PODCAST: Guns or Family Dysfunction Cause of Mass Killings?

With each horrific mass killing, “progressives” preach against guns. Again and again, when a man mows down innocent people, liberals put gun-ownership in their sights, which is like looking at the problem of teens who cut themselves and angrily proclaiming that the problem is easy access to razor blades. Women have access to guns too. If guns were the problem, then why aren’t any mass killers women?

Of course, gun control and the Left’s obsession with killing the Second Amendment by a thousand regulatory cuts are political issues, but if the Left truly cared about protecting society from gun violence, they would look beyond the cheap, superficial, but good-for-rallying the troops issue of gun control. They would look at the deeper issue of family dysfunction that likely contributes in some and perhaps many cases to mass killings and most certainly contributes to gang violence that plagues all large American cities.


Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Guns or Family Dysfunction Cause of Mass Killings?
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