PODCAST: Rod Dreher Warns Christians About “Queer” Assaults on Religious Liberty

For over half a century, theologically orthodox Christians in America have been woefully late and buckets of ducats short when it comes to cultural degradation. Most seem to have no ability to read portents, and they stubbornly refuse to heed the warning of those who do. And so, the suffering that inevitably results when societies deny truth increases.

The church in America is blessed both with cultural prophets whom God has blessed with the gift of understanding the implications of ideas and with the freedom to speak. Let’s hope and pray that the church heeds the warning of one of our finest cultural critics, journalist Rod Dreher, author of the book Live Not by Lies.

In a recent post titled, “Secret Activists Queering Evangelical Churches?” Dreher blogged about the “diabolical” scheme of “trans” activists to destroy the church from within and without simultaneously, using deception and abusing the law to do it.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Rod Dreher Warns Christians About “Queer” Assaults on Religious Liberty
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