PODCAST: A Profile in Wisdom vs. A Profile in Ignorance

As Americans awaken to the tyrannical aspirations of leftists who seek to impose their socially constructed metaphysical, moral, and political beliefs about sexuality on everyone—including other people’s children—by any means available, Americans are fighting back. This is a war for freedom, the family, America, and our souls. And wars need leaders. In Joe Biden and Ron DeSantis, we have an anti-leader and a leader, respectively.

While parents are mustering the courage to confront arrogant, ignorant school boards; feminists are challenging “gender theory” and the erasure of woman; liberal writers are moving to Substack to expose the totalitarian diktats of former employers; and Hispanic and black voters are fleeing the Democrat Party, anti-leader and crime family boss Joe “Bananas” Biden is getting  out his well-worn shovel and digging his hole a little deeper.

In honor of sodomy/cross-dressing pride month, President Joe Biden has issued yet another Royal Proclamation Executive Order that he calls “historic.”

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