Marriage = One Man + One Woman
Marriage = One Man + One Woman
Written By David E. Smith   |   03.12.13
Reading Time: 2 minutes


Regrettably, on June 26, 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court unilaterally decided that marriage was a civil right, legalizing same-sex so-called “marriage” in all 50 states.

As you know, in November of 2013, the Illinois General Assembly and Governor Pat Quinn statutorily redefined marriage in the state of Illinois to include any two people regardless of gender.

Despite these setbacks, Illinois Family Institute is not giving up on the defense of marriage as one man and one woman. Being educated on the true purpose of marriage has never been more crucial. We must now work to restore marriage as God designed it to be.

Below are some great resources and articles:

Don’t Lose Heart!

Anti-Marriage Deceivers and Fools

Anger and SCOTUS Anti-Marriage Decision

Marriage is not a Civil Right

Talking Points

Talking Points (en espanol)

What Same-Sex Marriage Has Done to Massachusetts

What Same-Sex Marriage Has Done to Massachusetts (en espanol)

VIDEO: Same-Sex Marriage” is Here, What’s Next? 

Why Children Need Natural Marriage

Why Preserving Marriage Matters

Marriage: The Complementarity Principle

Culture and the Meaning of Marriage

Shocking Child Molestation Story

Is Same-Sex “Marriage” a Civil Right?

Marriage, Church, & State: Healthy & Unhealthy Tensions

The Right of Self-Governance

The Effects of Same-Sex Marriage on Education

Business Community Consequences of Redefining Marriage

Why Libertarians Should Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

The Limited Government/Libertarian Case for Marriage

‘Marriage Equality’ Isn’t the Only Goal

Open Letter from Dr. Lutzer, Pastor Ford, Rev. De Jesus & Rev. Vanden Bosch

ADF Legal Analysis of SB 10

Catholic Conference of Illinois Marriage Toolkit

Cardinal Francis George: “Same-sex Marriage:” What do Nature and Nature’s God say?

Cardinal Francis George: “Same-sex Marriage:” What do Nature and Nature’s God say? (en espanol)

Marriage: America’s Best Antidote to Child Poverty

The Natural Family – A Universal Definition with Supportive Language from the United Nations and President Obama

Petition Form in Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage

Petition Form in Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage (en espanol)

MP3 Audio: The True Purpose of Marriage– Glenn T. Stanton of Focus on the Family

MP3 Audio: Questions and Answers on Same-Sex Marriage–Pastor Erwin Lutzer of the Moody Church


The Bottom Line:

Marriage between a man and a woman is not outdated. Marriage as the union of one man and one woman matters to EVERYONE! Let’s stop pretending that Illinois licenses the love, commitment, and responsibility between two people. Certainly, healthy marriages and relationships contain all of those things, but when it comes to government getting involved in our intimate relationships, it is only for the purpose of promoting stability and safe environments for children in potentially procreative unions as a public benefit to all citizens—anything more would be governmental overreach.



David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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