Homosexual Activists Calling Your County Clerks — Have You?
Homosexual Activists Calling Your County Clerks — Have You?
Written By Kathy Valente   |   06.28.12
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A recent email sent by homosexual activist and CEO of Equality IL, Bernard Cherkasov, urges same-sex “marriage” supporters to call their county clerks and state’s attorneys, just as IFI has urged believers in natural marriage to do. Cherkasov writes: 

“The misnamed Illinois Family Institute is pushing further than ever in its desperate effort to derail marriage equality by publicly pressuring the State’s Attorneys and County Clerks throughout the state to intervene on behalf of the ban on marriages for same-sex couples. Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez and County Clerk David Orr have stated that they will not defend the ban because they believe it’s unconstitutional. … 

FIRST, please contact your local County Clerk and tell them NOT to defend the unconstitutional ban on marriages for same-sex couples. … 

While these groups try to use religion as the logic behind their attacks, Equality Illinois is working with leaders in the faith community to foster support for marriage equality. Just last month, we announced that more than 260 members of the clergy and lay leaders from across the state have signed our petition in support of marriage equality.”

It’s critical that Christians, those who believe in the sufficiency of Scripture, defend what we know as God’s solid Truth.  The Body of Christ has been commissioned by God Himself to speak His Truth to a dark culture.  It will offend many, as Scripture tells us, but Christians must not succumb to the culture out of intimidation and fear. Romans 8:12-16 

God created marriage. The government did not. For centuries, the government has understood its importance and limited marriage to a man and a woman as the ideal union that can produce and raise the next generation of healthy and productive members of society. The natural family, which is the only foundation of a strong stable society, has been falling apart. And it’s our children and grandchildren who will bear the consequences, if we don’t act now. 

God gave us clear standards by which to live in every area of life, including sexuality. It is abundantly clear that all sex outside of marriage is sin, including homosexual sex. However, the goal of homosexual activists is to change these standards for marriage and normalize their sexual behavior. It could not be clearer from Scripture that marriage is to unite one man and woman for the purpose of “producing godly offspring”  which two men or two women cannot do. 

Letters were sent to 101 county clerks and state’s attorneys from the pro-family law firm Thomas More Society, asking for their involvement on our side of these lawsuits.

Take ACTION:  Please call and urge your county clerk to represent you in the effort to preserve natural marriage.  Click HERE to look up the contact information for your local county clerk.

Kathy Valente
Kathy joined the IFI team as our Director of Operations in 2008. Previously, Kathy was the state director for Concerned Women for America for 4 years. But even before that,...
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