Government usurpation of parental authority.
HB 4876 was introduced last week by State Representative Anne Stava-Murray (D-Downers Grove). This proposal would amend the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act by criminalizing any parent who would deny their child “access to necessary medical care, including, but not limited to, primary care services, abortion services, or gender-affirming services.”
Yes, you read that right! Parents who prohibit their child from getting an abortion or gender intervention “services” will be considered abusive and subject to the authority of state law enforcement and/or state agencies like the DCFS.
HB 4876 will not only expand what it means to be an “abusive” parent, but it absolves the liability of so-called “health care professionals” who would provide these extreme medical so-called “services” to a minor child.
Think about how this woke, left-wing state legislature wants to expand the power and role of government at the expense of the God-given authority of parents. If your child wants an abortion, she will get an abortion, despite your objections, religious beliefs, values and medical concerns. If you challenge or prohibit this “service” and would-be legal right, you could be prosecuted by the state and your child could be taken away.
If your pre-teen has been taught that he can become a female and encouraged by government school officials to transition with the help of hormone blockers – it will be illegal for you to stand in the way and seek the counseling that he needs.
Jeannette Cooper, Chicago resident and mother who lost custody of her daughter in 2019 for asking questions rather than affirming her child’s “gender identity,” knows what it’s like to have the government falsely identify a parent as “dangerous” and restrict custody and severely limit future interactions. She has a strong reaction to this legislative overreach, saying
“Stopping brain, bone, and body development, administering unnatural amounts of opposite sex hormones, and removing healthy body parts and inhibiting future sexual function is the definition of child abuse. No child is born in the wrong body. This bill is an insult to the tens of thousands of Illinois children who are being physically abused and neglected in the most basic and debased ways every day and cannot get relief from an already overburdened Department of Child and Family Services.”
We highly recommend watching this short video documentary of Jeannette’s story HERE. and visit the website of her grass-roots group, Partners for Ethical Care for more outrageous stories and important information.
Even if you do not have young children or grandchildren, what Stava-Murray is proposing here is beyond the pale. This should make the hair on your arms stand up… Please take action below!
Government should protect parental rights, not uproot them!
Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to your state representative demanding that this godless usurpation of parental authority be quashed. Please be as bold as you think is appropriate, but respectfully so.
If you love your neighbors and their children as yourself as the second great command tells us to do, you cannot remain silent.