Dear Neighbors,
I wanted to let you know the the Morris Planning Commission is having a public hearing on the sale of recreational marijuana (cannabis) next Wednesday, October 30 at 5:30 p.m. at the City Council Chambers of the Morris Municipal Services Building (Morris City Hall) at Chapin Street and Highway 47.
This is where they are actually inviting the public to come to make comments on the issue of selling recreational marijuana in Morris! I encourage you to come to it if at all possible and and speak and announce it to your church and encourage the people in your church to come also. Each person will be given 5 minutes to speak on the issue. I believe you need to sign in your name and probably your address at the beginning of the meeting.
It would also be good to get as many of you and your church friends there as possible to also speak in favor of the marijuana retail ban! The Planning Commission will make recommendations to the City Council on this issue.
We need to also pray that the members of the Commission will make the right choice for the health and safety of our community and county and vote to ban the sale of recreational marijuana in our city!
ACTION: If you cannot attend the meeting on Oct. 30, you will also find your local city officials’ contact info on this site. I encourage you to express your opinion on this issue directly to them. Here is a link to some important talking points.
Please pray that God will move in the hearts of Mayor Richard Kopczick and the aldermen to ban the sale of this very addictive and harmful substance in our community.
I leave you with a quote from Jeremiah 29:7:
“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile,
and pray to the LORD on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.”
We are not in exile in Babylon, but I believe the principle in the verse applies wherever we live.
I deeply appreciate any support you can provide on this important issue for our community and county.
Shalom in Christ!
Pastor Rick Barnard
Morris, Illinois
Learn more about marijuana’s consequences at NoWeedIllinois.com.
See the U.S. Surgeon General’s Press Advisory about the health risks of marijuana use.
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