“Nobody warned me of the drugs’ side effects. Nobody mentioned that there was danger. They promised it was safe,” Elizabeth Gillette writes in this powerful article and video published by our friends at the ADF. The staff at the abortion mill did not tell her the full truth about the consequences of taking the abortion pill.
Elizabeth’s story is just one of the many reasons for concern over the recent announcement by CVS and Walgreens that their pharmacies will sell so-called “medical” abortion drugs.
The Charlotte Lozier Institute reports, “Chemical abortion has a complication rate four times that of surgical abortion, and as many as one in five women will suffer a complication.” Moreover, they point out, “Chemical abortion drugs are increasingly likely to send women to the ER. In one study, the rate of chemical abortion-related emergency room visits increased over 500% between 2002-2015.”
Only an Ultrasound can determine how far into a pregnancy a woman is.If they are further along than they think, chemical abortions greatly increase their chances of complications. Also, the lack of an ultrasound puts women who have an ectopic pregnancy at even more risk due to a lack of early diagnosis. Neither CVS or Walgreens are offering ultrasounds.
CVS and Walgreens are foolish. Chemical abortions are bad for women’s health and their babies’ lives. These pharmacies betray pro-life patrons who understand that a “successful” chemical abortion takes the life of a preborn human being in the womb. Pharmacies are supposed to provide people with medicine to help promote health and healing, not death.
For more information, see Abortion Drug Facts and this short video by OB-GYN Dr. Skop.