Election season can be stressful, since there are no perfect candidates. However, there are candidates that share your priorities of protecting the sanctity of human life, parental rights, and religious freedom. Do you know which candidates will fight for these values?
Request your 2024 IFI Voter Guide today!
The 2024 IFI Voter Guide survey has been sent to every major-party candidate running for state or federal office in Illinois! During a typical election year, our staff distributes tens of thousands of these guides to churches and individuals around the prairie state. That’s why we need to know how many copies of the voter guide your church or community group will need as soon as possible. There will be a limited supply in print.
If you’d like copies of the IFI Voter Guide in any amount to distribute to your church, friends and neighbors, click HERE or call the IFI office at 708-781-9328 during normal business hours. We will mail them to you in mid-September.
Knowing what the candidates believe is critical, especially in the state legislature where only one or two votes can decide issues concerning both life and religious freedom.
As Christians in this great nation, it is our duty to elect men and women who share our values — the uniquely Judeo-Christian values upon which this nation was founded. Therefore, it is our responsibility to become informed and to vote according to those values.
We are able to create and distribute these voter guides because of supporters like you! We are very grateful for Christians parents and grandparents who are willing to donate to our cause and help us pay for the cost of this project.
A donation of $35 will provide 50 voter guides to a small church, $75 will provide 150 guides to a larger church, and $500 will go far to provide voter guides to some of the largest churches in the state. Please consider making a gift of any amount towards our efforts to bring this valuable resource to even more Illinois voters.
Make a donation to help cover the cost of creating, printing and distributing the IFI Voter Guide.
We are well aware of the top issues of concern to Christian conservatives in Illinois: life, family, and religious freedom.
Please forward this email to other voters in your area who care about life, family, and religious freedom, and please consider making a donation of any amount toward our efforts to put our voter guide into the hands of as many Illinois voters as possible!
Don’t wait—secure your order today and get ready to cast an informed vote in the General Election. Together, we can make a difference and shape the future of our community and nation.
Spread the Word!
Do you have friends or acquaintances who could benefit from IFI’s informational emails? If you do, please forward this email to them and encourage them to join our e-mail list! Then, check us out on other social media platforms:
Follow us on Twitter – @ProFamilyIFI
Like us on Facebook – Pro-Family Illinois
Subscribe to us on YouTube – ILFamilyInstitute!
It is only because of concerned citizens like you that we are able to continue promoting pro-family values in the Land of Lincoln.