Trans-Gendering of Children at School Exposed in “Art Club” Movie
Trans-Gendering of Children at School Exposed in “Art Club” Movie
Written By Alex Newman   |   12.11.23
Reading Time: 4 minutes

When her 12-year-old daughter texted about staying after school for “art club,” Colorado mother Erin Lee could never have imagined how her life and the lives of her family were about to be changed forever. It turns out the “art club” was actually a “Gender and Sexuality Alliance” (GSA) meeting focused on confusing children about their gender. Now, the mom is sounding the alarm: Pull your children from public schools immediately!

After that fateful afterschool GSA meeting, despite never having shown any confusion, the daughter began to believe she was actually a boy trapped in a girl’s body. She was told that if she was not comfortable in her body — what pubescent boy or girl is? — that she may be “transgender.” Equally troubling: the teacher claimed parents may not be “safe” and that it was okay to mislead and deceive them.

As if matters could not get more outrageous, when the parents found out and pulled their young daughter from the school, district officials conspired to get “child welfare” services involved. In recent years, more and more education officials and teachers have been deceived into believing that refusal to “affirm” a child’s delusions about gender is dangerous and tantamount to abuse. In the film, the parents explain how the principal visited their home, apparently to do a “wellness check” on their daughter.

The horrific saga, which thankfully had a happy ending for the Lee family, is recounted by the brave parents (and even a brief narration by the daughter at the end) in a groundbreaking new documentary film called “Art Club.” The film premiered last month to a standing-room only crowd at a church in Northern Colorado and is making major waves not just across the community, but nationwide as well.

The new film was created by Lee and former GOP State Senator Kevin Lundberg, a conservative powerhouse who spent almost two decades in the legislature. It features experts including former Alliance Defending Freedom chief Michael Farris, former president of the American College of Pediatricians Dr. Quentin VanMeter, Family Research Council Center for Family Studies Director Dr. Jennifer Bauwens, Wallbuilders founder David Barton, and this writer, who first exposed the scandal at the national level.

Several of the experts featured in the film point out that the gender madness being imposed on impressionable children in government schools is actually an attack on much more than just the child’s sex. In reality, it is an attack on God, truth, reality, identity, and more. This writer also explored the connections between the “transgender” movement and the “transhuman” movement, in which people seek to transcend not just their sex but even their humanity.

Similar recruitment into gender ideology is happening at public schools across Illinois and the entire United States. Even Florida, widely considered a bastion of conservatism that has sought to expel the LGBT mania from classrooms, is not immune. In fact, Art Club also tells the story of January Littlejohn, a mother and mental-health counselor from the Sunshine State whose daughter was recruited and even socially “transitioned” at a government school without parental knowledge or consent.

The Lee family refused to back down. But many other families have buckled under the pressure, subjecting their children to irreversible mutilation, sterilization, and hormone “treatments” that will haunt them forever. Almost incredibly, the Poudre School District in Northern Colorado where the saga unfolded now claims almost half of all students in the district are LGBT and is rushing ahead with the agenda.

Perhaps even more incredibly, after the Lee family story became a national scandal from being featured in The Epoch Times, The New American, Fox News, Glenn Beck, and countless other outlets, the school tripled down. As this writer documented in a piece for The Epoch Times, the district brought in and deepened ties with a self-styled shape-shifting gender-queer blood witch to do LGBT trainings for staff and students.

These sorts of demonic abuses against children and families by government schools are getting more intense and more evil with every passing day. And unfortunately for so many children, there are still countless millions of American parents who have no idea it is even going on. The nation is facing a crisis that is literally devouring its precious children, and there is not a moment to lose.

Thankfully, there are more resources to expose this insidious agenda than ever. In addition to Art Club, another powerful film that deals with the subject and features Lee’s story is Dysphoria. Directed and produced by a dynamic duo husband and wife team at Fearless Features, Dysphoria directly and masterfully calls out the Church in America for failing to stand up against the spread of this evil.

Despite not having the huge budgets of Hollywood movies, Art Club is incredibly well done and should be considered a must-see for all Americans. It shows how courage and common sense can protect children from this insidious “gender” lunacy that has overtaken so much of society. It also clearly highlights the enormous dangers facing children and families today — especially those still trapped in government schools.

Watch it for free here, share it, and check out to learn more. Then get involved. The fate of somebody else’s children — or maybe even your own — may depend on it.

Alex Newman
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does. In addition to serving as president of the small media and information consulting firm Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. He currently serves as a contributor to WND (World Net Daily), an education writer for FreedomProject Media, a foreign correspondent for The New American magazine, a contributor to the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, and more. He has also written for numerous newspapers and magazines such as the...
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