Gay “Marriage” Bill Scrapped for “Civil Unions” Bill
Gay “Marriage” Bill Scrapped for “Civil Unions” Bill
Written By David E. Smith   |   03.02.09
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Homosexual activists abandonded their push for gay so-called “marriage” to focus on the less offensive name of “civil unions.”

Illinois State Representative Greg Harris (D-Chicago), has again introduced a “compromise” bill (HB 2234) to legalize homosexual “civil unions” in our state.

ACTION: This bill will be heard in the House Youth and Family Committte this Thursday. Please call the following members of this committee and ask them to VOTE ‘NO’ on HB 2234. (We need 4 ‘NO’ votes to stop this bill.) Springfield needs to hear from you right away:

Rep. Greg Harris (D-Chicago)

Rep. LaShawn K. Ford (D-Chicago)

Rep. Mike Fortner (R-West Chicago)
Republican Spokesperson

Rep. William D. Burns (D-Chicago)

Rep. Michael P. McAuliffe (R-Chicago)

Rep. Al Riley (D-Matteson)

Rep. Dave Winters (R-Rockford)

Click HERE to download IFI’s White Paper (fact sheet) on the dangers of civil unions.

MORE ACTION: If you believe in keeping marriage from being radically redefined and devolving into something it is not, please send your most generous contribution to Illinois Family Institute today by clicking HERE.

Background – The “M” Word
On February 4th, openly gay State Representative Greg Harris (D-Chicago) introduced a bill to legalize same-sex “marriage” (HB 178). On February 18th — recognizing that gay “marriage” has very little support in the Illinois General Assembly — Rep. Harris introduced a compromise “civil unions” bill (HB 2234).

While the momentum nationwide to protect marriage from homosexual pressure groups is encouraging, homosexual activists decided that the word “marriage” may be too much to ask for at this time. So they have pushing this “compromise” bill that is only different in name.

Make no mistake: government-sanctioned “civil unions” or “domestic partnerships” would undermine our culture, faith, values and traditions just as quickly as legalizing homosexual “marriage.” We must not settle for any counterfeit that would legitimize immoral homosexual relationships, no matter what it is called.

Your secure online donation today will enable us to dig our heels in and protect marriage in the State of Illinois. We will not back down. We will not rest. But we need your contribution to work against this attack on the family.

If liberal lawmakers and homosexual activists have their way in Illinois, the consequences to families and religious liberties as we know it will be devastating. We will not back down now… we cannot.

Is Illinois Going to Be the Last State to Fully Protect Marriage?
Help IFI Stand Up to Homosexual Agenda’s Push for Homosexual “Civil Unions” in Illinois

If you believe in keeping marriage from being radically redefined by homosexual activists, please send your most generous contribution to Illinois Family Institute today. We are supported by voluntary donations from individuals like you across the state of Illinois. Donations to IFI are tax deductible.

Illinois Family Institute
P.O. Box 88848
Carol Stream, Illinois 60188

You may also call in a credit-card gift to IFI at 708-781-9328, or give online by clicking HERE.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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