Boys in Girl Scouts, Men in Pageants—Are Parents to Blame?
Boys in Girl Scouts, Men in Pageants—Are Parents to Blame?
Written By   |   04.12.12
Reading Time: 3 minutes

There’s a fine line between fantasy and reality. At any given time, most 7 year-olds aren’t sure which side of that line they’re on. That’s why children usually come with parents—and need to be outnumbered by at least two-to-one. 

But what happens to a child that has parents whose primary concern is to make the little fellow happy? They give him what he wants, what he thinks he needs and placate his emotions instead of giving him direction. 

The answer is simple and becoming more common; he spends the rest of his life, trying to force the people around him to do for him just as his parents did. 

First case in point. Remember last October when 7-year-old little Bobby wanted to join the Girl Scouts? At first, the boy was rejected (due to his “boy-parts”). 

Then the controversy hit the media-fan when it became known that a Girl Scout leader had the nerve to call him a boy, and denied him entrance. Bobby’s grandmother painted the leader as a vitriol-hissing woman that made a sweet little boy cry. 

Felisha Archuleta, the boy’s mother argued, “Bobby identifies as a girl, and he’s a boy… He’s been doing this since he was about 2 years old. He’s loved girl stuff, so we just let him dress how he wants, as long as he’s happy.” 

When word of this cruelty made its way up the cookie chain of command, the Girl Scouts recanted their “no boys allowed” policy. Stating, “If a child identifies as a girl and the child’s family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout.”

In other words reality has no bearing here whatsoever. All parties agreed that Bobby is in fact a boy. Nonetheless, he “identifies” as a girl.

Most of us know, have known, or once was a little girl that wanted to be nothing more than a boy. I know I sure did. My youngest daughter, our sixth girl had three big brothers.

She looked up to those boys with big blue adoring eyes. At three, she would run around with her shirt off and wear their old hats. There’s a common name for girls like her, “Tomboy.”

She wanted to be a boy. One day she bemoaned the fact to her older sister that she wished she were a boy. Her big sister said, “Well, if you’re a boy, you can’t go shoe shopping!”

Suddenly, the entire proposition was a little less appealing. As time wore on, she grew into a fine young lady—a ballerina with a wicked football spiral.

Tomboys have been with us always. So have timid, sensitive little boys. My Tomboy didn’t need me to indulge her in her fantasy of a better life where she could become a real boy. She needed me to help her grow into a woman. To become the unique person she was born to be.

Why is it we accept this in little girls, but jump into “transgender” mode with little boys?

Knowing nothing of Bobby’s family, other than what the media has and has not said, I can’t help but notice there’s no male family member’s perspective reported.

Young children need their parents to smile at their childhood fantasies, and guide them through those years like a gentle wind.   

Instead, we have a culture that prefers to feed its children a steady diet of indulgence. Then, instead of helping their child make their way into the world, they seek to bend the world around to fit the child.

This generation of parents has been bombarded with a sexual agenda themselves from an early age. So much so, they can’t see the natural developmental stages of childhood. Instead their perceptions have been twisted to fit a false ideology. Sadly, they have inadvertently stereotyped a young child, setting his course for the rest of his life.

We get upset when the rules are altered to accommodate the Bobby’s of the world- and rightly so. However, we  need to care just as much about the parenting trends that brought them into the spotlight.

Walter Talackova, has recently successfully deformed the world of beauty pageants into the mold that fits his paradigm. Talackova’s path to beauty is a tragic one. He began hormone therapy to become a female at the tender age of 14. He endured the removal of his Adam’s apple, and the mutilation of “sexual reassignment” surgery at age 19.

Choosing a lifestyle of any sort as a mature adult is one thing. Altering an adolescent’s chemistry, or tattooing an adult label on innocence is quite another.

How many of us wish our parents had taken permanent measures to ensure our childishness followed us into adulthood?

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