New Proposal for Non-Stop Casino Hours
New Proposal for Non-Stop Casino Hours
Written By   |   09.17.13
Reading Time: 2 minutes

From Illinois Church Action on Alcohol and Addiction Problems

Illinois casinos have petitioned the Gaming Board to allow 24-hour, non-stop gambling 7 days a week.  The Illinois Gaming Board turned down 24 hour gambling at casinos three times before, because of all the opposition they received from many of you. 

However, the General Assembly and governor approved 24 hour video gambling at truck stops.  Now the casinos want to stay open 365 days a year with round the clock gambling.  Some people will gamble longer than 24 hours straight.  We have heard of people gambling at casinos 36 to 72 hours without stopping. 

Read this article, Policing gamblers who cannot police themselves,about a 33 man who was on the self-exclusion list in Philadelphia.  He was escorted out of the casino after he had been there for 70 hours!  Another time he was picked up during a two-day bender at the casino only after his wife called the casino to report him.  Another time the casino turned him away 91 hours later!  

Some gamblers will only go home when the casinos close.  There are over 10,000 people on the self-exclusion list at Illinois casinos!  If the casinos are allowed to have non-stop, around the clock gambling, some will gamble much longer than 24 hours! 

The Gaming Board rejected 24 hour gambling three other times because of wide spread opposition from the public.  

The public is invited to speak at the hearing, which will be held in Chicago on Thursday, September 19, at 10:00 p.m.  The hearing will be held at 160 N. LaSalle in the 5th floor Auditorium. 

To get on the agenda to speak, you must submit a written request to Board Secretary Monica Biddings. All requests must be received by September 12, 2013.   Those addressing the Board will be given 5 minutes to express their views.  Speakers needing more than 5 minutes should indicate that in their request and state their basis.  The Board also asks that those speaking state in their request if they are for or against 24 hour gambling at riverboat casinos. 

If you cannot attend the hearing in Chicago, please write a letter to the Illinois Gaming Board.  State that you are against 24 hour gambling at riverboat casinos.

TAKE ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to the Illinois Gaming Board secretary stating your opposition to 24 hour casino gambling.

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