24 Hour, Non-Stop Video Gambling in Tinley Park?
24 Hour, Non-Stop Video Gambling in Tinley Park?
Written By   |   07.13.18
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear Tinley Park Neighbors,

The Village Board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the Village Hall, 16250 S.Oak Park Ave.  to consider annexing of land for a gas station to become a truck stop.  If approved, the truck stop, near a residential area, could have video gambling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Local residents could gamble all night on the video gambling machines.

The Illinois Gaming Board has fined numerous video gambling establishments and 7 truck stops $5,000 each for failure to prevent access to or play of video gambling terminals by persons under the age of 21.  People will gamble closest to where they live.  Making gambling more accessible and convenient in a residential area will increase addiction and harm.  Area residents have LOST over $20 Million in the video gambling machines currently operating in Tinley Park.

A similar proposal was defeated in Will County a few years when residents attended hearings and spoke out.

Take ACTION:  Please call the Mayor and Village Trustees and ask them to reject the proposal for Gas-N-Wash to become a truck stop at (708) 444-5000.  You can also email Mayor Jocob Vandenberg at jvandenberg@tinleypark.org and David Niemeyer, the Village Manager, at dniemeyer@tinleypark.org.


1.) Attend the public hearing on July 17 at 6:30 p.m. at 16250 South Oak Park Avenue, Tinley Park Illinois 60477

2.) Please share this information with your church and ask members to call and attend the hearing.

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