Strengthening our Witness
Strengthening our Witness
Written By Calvin Lindstrom   |   03.29.22
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Anyone not on life-support realizes we are in a dangerous place as a state despite the glowing ads about how Governor Pritzker has solved all our problems. Violence is out of control in Chicago and other urban centers. Abortion enjoys the highest level of protection and promotion throughout our state. In November of 2021, it was reported that the total pension shortfall in Illinois passed $500 billion. That is a debt burden on average of $110,000 per Illinois household.

Do I have your attention? What do we do, leave? I totally understand those who make this choice. But if you believe Illinois is where the Lord wants you to stay and fight, what can we be doing to strengthen our witness?

I don’t believe there are any easy solutions. If there were, we would be in a much different place. There are no easy solutions, but does that mean we are just stuck doing nothing? I don’t think so. I want to share several things that you can be doing to strengthen your awareness and your witness for the Lord and His truth in our dark state.

First of all, we need to be aware of what is going on. This task can be overwhelming in the sense of there is so much information out there. You can’t take it all in. Don’t even try. But we must be informed. If you have not signed up to be notified by IFI on critical issues so that you can take action, sign up today so that you are not left in the dark.

In terms of our keeping informed about mostly state matters, I would recommend that you regularly visit the Illinois Family and Illinois Family Action websites. Also, to get the perspective of the left, I would encourage you to visit left-wing sources like Capitol Fax and Politico’s Illinois Playbook. Read especially the comments so that you know what people mostly on the left are thinking. Wirepoints and Illinois Review are also great center-right news sources.

Now even in this, there can too much information to process or act on. Pick a few issues where you can be involved and share information with others.

Second, put the phone numbers and contact information for your elected officials in your phone or address book.

Click HERE to get the list of all your elected officials.

By visiting the above website, you will also see a list of all your elected officials that is great for making a list to pray for them. Print it out and keep it somewhere as a reminder. Maybe you need to set a weekly reminder to pray and contact your officials. They are busy – often doing the work of the devil. We cannot afford to be idle or on the side lines. We must be engaged.

Third, when Springfield is in session, appeals are often made by IFI to fill out a witness slip. We believe these pull a great deal of weight on whether a bill is even called for a hearing. We’ve seen thousands fill out these slips and, shortly thereafter, the bill slipping into a subcommittee graveyard.

An additional step you might want to take related to tracking specific legislation is to view IFI’s Springfield Bill Tracker page.

Finally, in the face of hostility the last thing we want to do is quit or stop caring. Pray for strength and direction. Get involved.

We often think of Noah as the one who built the ark over many years. Of course, that is the means that God used to preserve His people and all people. Noah and his family did not just build the ark, he also was a preacher of righteousness we learn in 2 Peter 2:5. While we seek to do what we can to protect our families and work for God’s purposes, we also seek to be preachers of righteousness. Will you determine to strengthen your witness for the Lord Jesus Christ?

Calvin Lindstrom
Pastor Calvin Lindstrom has served as the pastor of the Church of Christian Liberty in Arlington Heights since 2006 and has worked in Christian education for over 23 years. He is blessed to be a husband and father of six children. He is also a long time board member for Illinois Family Action....
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