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Illinois Call to Prayer Day
February 17, 2016 @ 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


2nd Annual Illinois Call to Prayer Day
Wednesday – February 17, 2016
10:30 AM – Hall of Flags
Howlett State Office Building
Capitol Complex
Springfield, Illinois

Hosted by the Illinois Legislative Prayer Caucus

As someone recently stated, things are heating up in Illinois and the pressure is building because of the many serious issues which we now face. How timely that we are being called to the Illinois State Capitol to pray for our state and our nation! Will you answer the call?

We also want to ask you to help ensure the information about this event reaches far and wide across Illinois by considering the four (4) requests below. Please makes plans to attend this event.  When our elected officials who are part of the Illinois Legislative Prayer Caucus put out a call for citizens to join them in praying for our state, we MUST answer the call.

Please take time to contact both your Illinois State Representative and Illinois State Senator and encourage them to attend the event in the Hall of Flags.  Each one has been invited.  It will make an impression on them if they receive phone calls and e mails from their constituents urging them to be a part of this event.

Please take time to call your Pastor and ask him or her to attend the event; perhaps even offering to bring them with you.

Please distribute this information across your own prayer and ministry networks.

Elected officials, civic leaders, pastors, ministry leaders and citizens from all over

the state will gather for three purposes:

  1. Sign the 2016 Illinois Call to Prayer Proclamation
  2. Reaffirm our National Motto – In God We Trust
  3. Support the members of the bi-partisan,  IL Legislative Prayer Caucus, as they lead in prayer for Illinois.

For further information or to RSVP, please feel free to contact me, Delbra Pratt, State Director, Illinois Prayer Caucus Network at 217/273-2156.


February 17, 2016
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Howlett State Office Building
501 S 2nd St
Springfield, 62756
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