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Join the vigil in Aurora at the Planned Parenthood this Saturday!
Vigil Details:
40 Days for Life Aurora in conjunction with Vision 2020 has been planning a prayer vigil called Go Public 4Life. Vision 2020 is an alliance in Illinois to unite the pro-life community to end abortion. Vision 2020 plans to have a Go Public 4Life vigil across the street from every Abortion facility in Illinois on Saturday, April 6 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM.
Go Public 4Life is an Ecumenical Prayer Vigil to help grow the peaceful prayer witness outside Planned Parenthood in Aurora. We are asking Pro-Life prayer warriors who routinely come out and pray across from Planned Parenthood in Aurora to bring several friends who do not normally come out to accomplish this task.
The goal of this vigil is threefold: 1) Provide information regarding different aspects of the Pro-life Ministry, 2) Prayer for each of these aspects, 3) Worship music, singing praises to God for all that he has done on New York Street in Aurora.
- Date: Saturday April 6
- Time: 10:00 AM -11:30 PM
- Location: Waterleaf Women’s Center – 3055 E New York Street, Aurora IL (across from Planned Parenthood)
Speakers Include:
- Maureen Cole, Co-leader Go Public 4 Life
- Julie Garofalo, Executive Director Waterleaf Women’s Center
- Mary Olsen, Aurora Sidewalk Counselor
- Catherine Walker, 40 Days for Life
- Veronica Lamelich, MW Field Operations Coordinator Students for Life
- Graham Flynn & Laura Lien, Wheaton College Voice for Life
- Ed Pohl, Worship Leader
There will be prayer for each of these ministries offered up by local Catholic Priests and Protestant Pastors including:
- Father James Guarascio, St Mary Immaculate in Plainfield, Chaplin Waterleaf Women’s Center
- Pastor Mario Arindaeng, Student Ministries Pastor, Village Bible Church Sugar Grove
- Pastor Dan Rak Trinity Vineyard Church, Geneva
For more Information contact Phil Price:phil.price3@gmail.com 252-205-0991