“Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Days ago at a private fundraiser, our semi-pervy, semi-senile semi-president said that “not just Trump” but “the entire philosophy that underpins”—well, that’s where it gets a bit fuzzy, since our semi-articulate president broke off his semi-thought for a semi-moment as is his practice. When Biden-the-Unifier regained consciousness, he described “the entire philosophy that underpins”—presumably support for Trump—as “semi-fascism.” From Project Veritas’ stunning exposé, it sure seems leftists are the semi-fascists.
Watch the video below to see Jeremy Boland, assistant principal of Cos Cob Elementary School in the affluent community of Greenwich, Connecticut admitting that he won’t hire Catholics or older applicants as teachers because they’re likely to be conservative:

Boland said,
Protestants in this area [Greenwich, Connecticut] are probably the most liberal. But if they’re Catholic, [they’re] conservative. … You don’t hire them. … It’s like they’re brainwashed. You can never change their mindset.
I wonder if Boland is more open to changing his mindset than conservative Catholics are. If not, has he been brainwashed?
Boland illegally discriminates based not only on religion but also on age:
I need younger [teachers]. … So, for one position, I think we had 30 applicants. So out of all those applicants, I don’t think I interviewed anybody over the [age] of 30 … because sometimes the older you get, the more set in your ways, the more conservative you get.
Boland revels in his own semi-fascistic presumptuousness:
I can’t get past the parents. … So, the parents feels it’s their responsibility to shape the schools, which then shape the kids. So, since I can’t get past the parents, do I really have as much of an influence on the kids as … I want? I try in my own way. Right now, my job is to hire the right teachers.
Boland is too modest. He has—till now—been getting “past the parents” by hiring the “right teachers,” meaning semi-fascistic leftist teachers.
Boland admits that these “right teachers” are as devious as he is. They use “subtle” and “savvy” ways to persuade elementary school children that the “liberal” or “Democratic” way of doing things is just “the norm.” How might they do this? Well, for example, Boland shares that a teacher might say,
If 80% of the country is in favor of this law, but yet the Supreme Court just said “no,” what are you gonna do when it comes time to cast your vote, which then has a direct influence on who gets picked for the Supreme Court?
Leading young malleable minds down the semi-fascistic path is justifiable to semi-fascist Boland because he believes he does not work for the parents who pay his salary:
Do we work for the parent or do we work for the kid? We work for the kid.
But he’s not working for the kids either. He’s working for the semi-fascist leftist Hive.
To accomplish the Hive’s goal of severe social regimentation, which depends on ideological regimentation, Boland must filter out conservatives during the interview process, a task at which he is apparently very good. He proudly acknowledges that he hasn’t hire a single conservative yet.
Boland says that if a prospective hire were to indicate she doesn’t believe “kids have enough knowledge” about themselves to make decisions about “transitioning,” then that teacher is “out,” she’s “done.”
Sounds like severe social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition to me.
Last time I checked, it is leftists who stand for a much bigger centralized government that can tax Americans into oblivion and redistribute their hard-earned money as leftists see fit, which means in the service of creating a society unfit for human flourishing. It is leftists who stand for severe economic regimentation via increasing socialist policies that take from everyone and leave all but the elite suffering.
It is leftists who exalt race (and deviant sexual interests) above the individual and individual merit.
While conservatives of all stripes do love America, they don’t “exalt” it above individual rights. Rather, they better understand than leftists/semi-fascists what constitutes an individual right as well as the origin and source of our inalienable individual rights.
Leftists/semi-fascists believe they are the source of individual rights and that individual rights include the right of powerful humans to slaughter innocent powerless humans.
It is leftists who have decided all Nazi-like that imperfect humans have lives unworthy of life (Lebensunwertes Leben).
It is leftists who have assumed all Nazi-like, a semi-fascistic right to experiment on the bodies of children, sterilizing boys and girls, and cutting off the breasts of girls.
It is leftists who have decided that the government may sever fit parents who reject Hive beliefs from the children they love and want to protect from bodily mutilation.
It is leftists who treat people as representatives of a group as opposed to individuals.
It is leftist public school teachers—the slimy tentacles of an octopean Big Brother—who have decided they have a right to conceal critical information from parents about their own children.
It is leftists who fascistically, covertly, cunningly, and illegally discriminate in hiring against men and women based on their religion and age.
It is leftists who control what materials and ideas children will be exposed to and who ban books that challenge, critique, or dissent from leftist “gender” and sexuality ideologies.
It is leftists—not Trump voters—who seek severe social regimentation via publicly subsidized indoctrination camps.
It takes prodigious hubris, a mountain of ignorance, a dollop of deceit, and a heaping helping of hypocrisy for any leftist to call those who voted for Trump in 2016 and/or 2020 “semi-fascists.”