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Ruth Bader Ginsburg Was Right … Sort of
By   |   07.07.14
While reams have already been penned examining the implications of last week’s Hobby Lobby decision, most of what’s been written, particularly in the liberal press, has missed the point entirely. Though I’m mildly pleased that the Supreme Court of the...
The Top 8 Things to Think About
By   |   06.26.14
Look at your life. Life is hard. Look at the news. In our fallen, sinful world, evil swirls about like a violent dust devil, clouding the air of absolute truth and muddying the waters of pure grace that flow to...
What to do When Forced to Perform ‘Gay Weddings’
By   |   06.19.14
Churches in Denmark are now compelled, by law, to host same-sex “weddings.” America is next. Tyranny’s appetite is insatiable. The secular-left’s hunger for power and control over its detractors can never be satisfied. To outwardly succumb and affirmatively capitulate to...
6 Truths about Pornography
By   |   06.03.14
The Bible is the “word of truth.” It’s mankind’s user manual. It’s the blueprint, even in suffering, for a joyful and fulfilled existence in this life, and an incomprehensibly glorious eternity in the next. The total truths and precepts inherent...
Thank God Men and Women Are Different
By   |   05.30.14
A priceless vein of God’s infinite wisdom and creative beauty can be found marbled throughout the marvelous and myriad differences He established between the two sexes – male and female. Thank you God for blessing us with “the other.” “The...
How Liberalism Violates All 10 Commandments
By   |   05.21.14
One of my readers, we’ll call him Moses, is the publisher of a mainstream newspaper in California. He wrote me the other day with an insightful observation. Since Moses works in one of the most liberal industries, in one of...
Blind Squirrel Finds a Supreme Court Nut
By   |   05.14.14
While in the vast majority of their constitutionally related writings the Founding Fathers were explicit that the judicial branch of government is effectively the weakest of the three, such is not the case with today’s modern misapplication. Americans currently live...
Atheist Group Calls for Disruptions During Christian Prayers
By   |   05.07.14
In an unhinged response to Monday’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in Greece v. Galloway – which reaffirmed Americans’ First Amendment right to public prayer, to include sectarian prayer – the always entertaining Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) has announced its...
“Gay” Bishop Gets Divorced
By   |   05.05.14
The AP reports: The first openly gay Episcopal bishop, who became a symbol for gay rights far beyond the church while deeply dividing the world’s Anglicans, plans to divorce his husband. Bishop Gene Robinson has never been fully accepted within...
Deception: Christian Publisher Sells Soul for Mammon
By   |   04.16.14
WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group is planning to release, through its liberal sister imprint Convergent Books, a manuscript paradoxically titled God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships. Is the Christian world about to suffer...
Fort Hood, Gun-Free Zones and ‘Progressive’ Insanity
By   |   04.07.14
They say that lightning never strikes twice in the same place. Not true. It does if you stand high atop a cliff’s edge waving a lightning rod above your head during a thunderstorm. In fact, in the unlikely event you...
The Communist States of America
By   |   04.03.14
A preferred ploy of left-wing change agents is to ridicule critics when they point out the undeniable parallels between the goals of today’s “progressive” movement, to include the Democratic Party in general, and the goals of the early, and very...
Is the GOP Suicidal?
By   |   03.26.14
Leave it to the Republican Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. While nearly every poll definitively affirms that Democrats are in deep doo-doo come November, and as leftist talking heads like Chris Matthews have already conceded a...
No Political Fix to America’s Death Spiral
By   |   03.10.14
The question is not, “Is America falling?” but, rather, “Why is America falling?” I’m currently writing from CPAC 2014, the nation’s largest gathering of conservative political junkies. The event is being held at the beautiful Gaylord National hotel, adjacent to...
An Absolute Right to Refuse Service
By   |   03.05.14
Albert Einstein once said, “Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.” He was right. In the aftermath of the Arizona religious freedom skirmish, I have a few questions for those who would presume to compel religious...
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