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Sex-Obsessed Lefty Horrified by ‘Toxic Purity Culture’
By   |   02.24.14
Hey, gals, want to avoid being raped? Put away that Lady Smith 38. No need for pepper spray. Self-defense classes? Not necessary. The solution is simple. The best defense against rape is to just cast away your “deeply troubling” Christianity...
We Are Not ‘All God’s Children’
By   |   02.13.14
You’ve heard it said that “We are all God’s children.” This rings flowery and nice. It’s an insidious lie. Indeed, God both created and loves – in a way most unfathomable – everyone who ever lived. He wove us together...
Liberal Rag: More Despotism Please
By   |   02.03.14
Hypocrisy, thy name is liberalism. What a difference a few years makes. Remember when “progressive” media types chided President George W. Bush till they were blue in the face for “going it alone” on Iraq? Well, apparently “going it alone”...
Homosexuality a ‘Problem’ With a ‘Solution’
By   |   01.31.14
Last week, America honored both the life and noble work of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., a Bible-believing Christian minister who did more to advance the cause of race-based civil rights than perhaps any other person in recent history....
Is Prodigal GOP Inching Home?
By   |   01.23.14
I’m a Bible-believing Christian first, a conservative second and, sometimes, with rapidly dwindling frequency, a Republican third (but only when the Grand Old Party is behaving itself). Although the GOP’s RINO establishment still controls its legislative reins, I’m mildly encouraged...
Oppose New IRS Regulations
By   |   01.15.14
In 2010 millions of American tea-party constitutionalists, to include the GOP’s Christian base, united in a remarkable grass-roots effort to rein in our unbridled federal government and return it to its expressly limited constitutional confines. As a result, an unprecedented...
Planned Parenthood Rep: Christianity “Going Down”
By   |   01.06.14
For those of us so very blessed to have raised our personal white flag in mankind’s inherently fruitless struggle against the Creator, there can be no joy in watching God-deniers continue to labor under the grandest of all deceptions. Regardless...
America’s Chief Export: Immorality
By   |   12.16.13
Why are Americans so peeved? Is it Obamacare? Well, partly – and in a big way. One wonders, in fact, if that sign language interpreter at the Mandela funeral moonlighted as the lead IT consultant for But it’s much...
Blogging ‘Gays’ Urge Murder, Castration of Christians
By   |   12.09.13
It happened Dec. 2, 2013, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. broke the story with the headline: “Violent mob of topless pro-abort feminists attacks praying men defending cathedral.” The raw footage is disturbing to the extreme (warning: viewer discretion advised for...
Did George Washington Predict America’s Fall?
By   |   12.05.13
It’s that bustling time between Thanksgiving and Christmas (Christ’s Mass), our nationally recognized and congressionally “established” birthday celebration for Jesus, the sovereign Lord of all mankind. Now is a valuable opportunity to reflect upon our nation’s past, present and future...
FBI Partners with Left-Wing Extremist Group
By   |   11.25.13
The magnitude of this Obama administration’s “progressive” radicalism becomes more evident with each passing day. In recent months, there has been a drastic spike in acts of both anti-Christian and anti-conservative discrimination and intimidation on military bases across the country....
Making Liberty Lemonade from Atheist Lemons
By   |   11.22.13
Another day, another secularist attempt at religious cleansing. The United States Supreme Court, which, with jaw-dropping irony, opens every session with prayer, recently heard – for the umpteenth time – oral arguments on whether local governing bodies can likewise open...
‘Gays’ Admit ENDA game: Outlaw Christian Morality
By   |   11.11.13
The religious liberty death spiral continues. One of the most dangerous and discriminatory pieces of legislation in modern times – the ironically tagged “Employment Non-Discrimination Act,” or ENDA – passed the U.S. Senate on Thursday by a vote of 64-32....
When Being Called ‘Evil’ Is a Kindness
By   |   11.11.13
Princeton University was founded in 1746 by devoutly Christian men with a devoutly Christian mission. It has “evolved” into a fortress of secular-”progressivism,” presently employing people like Bio-”Ethics” professor Peter Singer.
Sexual Predator Honored With U.S. Postage Stamp
By   |   10.28.13
Benjamin Franklin famously quipped, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Franklin evidently failed to envisage today’s postmodern left. For the conservative, there exists at least one other certainty, and it is this:...
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