Articles by David E. Smith
Hobby Lobby Victory Rally TODAY at NOON at Federal Plaza
By David E. Smith   |   06.30.14
This morning, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) handed down a highly anticipated ruling that affirmed First Amendment  protections of religious liberty and freedom of conscience.  In this particular ruling it means that our government does not have...
BreakPoint Commentator Coming to Rolling Meadows – September 19
By David E. Smith   |   06.26.14
Do you listen to the radio commentary, BreakPoint? Have you read the New York Times best-seller biography, Bonhoeffer? Have you seen the movie, Amazing Grace? What connects all of those is Eric Metaxas – historian, author, radio host, and our...
Fox News Host Says She Expresses Values Through Work
By David E. Smith   |   06.20.14
Fox News Channel host, Gretchen Carlson, is praising the work environment at the network that she says allows her to express her values. She made her comments at a faith-based entertainment summit in Beverly Hills, California. At the recent “Purpose:...
Miss USA Contestant Conceived  in Rape
By David E. Smith   |   05.30.14
The Miss USA pageant will be held in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on June 8th, and one of the contestants will be a woman who was conceived as a result of forcible rape.  Miss Valerie Gatto was crowned Miss Pennsylvania 2014...
The ERA and the War on Women
By David E. Smith   |   05.30.14
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), SJRCA 75, has reared its ugly head once again in Illinois. SJRCA 75 passed the State Senate on May 22nd, 2014, with a vote of 39 – 11 – 6. It could be...
Illinois Senate Passes Another Bullying Bill
By David E. Smith   |   05.23.14
How did they vote? This morning, the Illinois Senate voted 37 to 18 to pass HB 5707, a completely unnecessary proposal sponsored by State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) and State Senator Heather Steans (D-Chicago).  This legislation constitutes nothing more than...
Illinois Senate Passes the ERA
By David E. Smith   |   05.22.14
How did they vote? This afternoon, the Illinois Senate voted 39 to 11 with 6 voting present to pass SJRCA 75, a completely unnecessary proposal  to amend the U.S. Constitution to eradicate sex as a legitimate characteristic on which to...
ERA is Back — AGAIN!
By David E. Smith   |   05.15.14
The ERA claims to be a simple amendment that gives equal rights to women. In reality, the ERA will actually harm women, their families, and our society. The major problem with the ERA is its wording. It simply states "Equality of rights under law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of sex." In essence, women are not being guaranteed equal rights; rather gender is being removed as a legal characteristic on which to base distinctions.
Dr. Voddie Baucham and the Separation of Church and State
By David E. Smith   |   05.14.14
Dr. Voddie Baucham,  pastor of preaching at Grace Family Baptist Church in Spring, Texas, discusses the often misunderstood idea of the separation of church and state with our good friends at Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).   The concept of the “wall...
STOP Chicago’s Push for World’s Largest Casino
By David E. Smith   |   05.07.14
Please take a few minutes today to act on this important issue! With 3.5 weeks to go before the Illinois General Assembly adjourns for the summer, state lawmakers are considering hundreds of bills.  Among the issues up for debate is...
SCOTUS Affirms Religious Freedom of Prayer
By David E. Smith   |   05.05.14
In 2008, Americans United for Separation of Church and State sued the town of Greece on behalf of local residents Susan Galloway and Linda Stephens, who claim that continued Christian prayer at the opening of town meetings is unconstitutional. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing the town argue that the practice of deliberative bodies to invoke divine guidance and blessings upon their work has always been constitutional.
Easter Blessings
By David E. Smith   |   04.20.14
“The Lord is risen indeed…” Luke 24:34  Easter Sunday is the culmination of Holy Week.  We would do well to take time to reflect on who we are and where we stand in our faith.  Our patience and devotion has...
By David E. Smith   |   04.14.14
Bloomberg’s Brian Miller reports on the U.S. gambling industry on Bloomberg Television’s “Market Makers.” (Source: Bloomberg) Lawmakers who continue to advocate to expand gambling fail to understand that it is an unstable source of revenue. Revenue is down at casinos...
Illinois House Passes Another Bullying Bill
By David E. Smith   |   04.10.14
How did they vote? This afternoon, the Illinois House voted 64 to 43 to pass HB 5707, a completely unnecessary proposal by State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), constituting nothing more than a reiteration of the Bullying Prevention Task Force recommendations...
SCOTUS Quashes Case Defending Freedom of Conscience
By David E. Smith   |   04.08.14
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has dealt a severe blow to religious freedom and freedom of speech in a highly publicized case involving a New Mexico photographer.  The High Court has refused to hear the appeal of...
David E. Smith
Executive Director
David  E. Smith

Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4).

David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography.

He and his wife of 29 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in the Christian faith, and impress a love of God on their hearts. There is a plethora of research that suggest that parents are the primary influencers in a child’s life. In an ideal world, that’s a mom and dad. Discipleship includes not only studying God’s Word but living a life of faith and walking in obedience to God. Discipleship is also necessary for sound doctrine, love of God and others. We do this in hopes of raising healthy and productive members of society who live to honor God and love their neighbors.

Dave has also served as a precinct committeeman and served as an ordained minister/elder in his local church.

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