Redefinition of Everything
By Thomas Hampson   |   08.03.23
This is World Breastfeeding Week. Every year, from August 1st to 7th, more than 170 countries recognize this week as a way to promote and encourage breastfeeding. For almost all of human history, all children thrived on breast milk. In centuries past, elites often hired wet nurses, so the infants still got breast milk. Even the commoners would arrange for a wet nurse if the mother died or was unable to breastfeed for some other reason.
A Follow Up Critique: Sound of Freedom (Part 2)
By Thomas Hampson   |   07.27.23
Tim Ballard has recently become a celebrated hero in the war on sex trafficking through the film “The Sound of Freedom”, which portrays his life and the organization he founded, Operation Underground Railroad. As you know the IFI has long been a champion of anything which supports Christian values and which strengthens and supports the traditional family, and certainly coming against child pornography and child sex trafficking is consistent with that mission. But as members of our staff have researched Tim Ballard and his organization OUR, many concerning facts have come to light.
Sound of Freedom?
By Thomas Hampson   |   07.11.23
No problem can be solved unless you can see it clearly. Too often, people jump in and act without having any real understanding of the problem--its nature and scope, its scale and dimensions. They make assumptions and conclusions, without proper investigation and clarity. The result is always the same when you act without understanding. Failure.
Pride Month
By Thomas Hampson   |   06.30.23
Why is there so much enthusiasm by so many people to celebrate non-heterosexual sexuality? For a whole month? It was June 11, 1999 that President Clinton proclaimed June as “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.” President Obama changed it to “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month” on May 31, 2011. Why do we even have it? Why are certain groups selected to have a day or a month dedicated to their recognition, celebration, honor, or just acknowledgment?
Trivializing Trauma
By Thomas Hampson   |   06.19.23
Over the last several years there has been a growing movement to normalize pedophilia. In fact, using the term, pedophile, is beginning to be seen as outmoded. Instead we are being urged to use “minor attracted person.” I expect it will not be long until we will be required to add MAP to the already cumbersome 2SLGBTQQAI+.
Overcoming Evil
By Thomas Hampson   |   06.08.23
Our future depends on our children. It has for all of time so you would think that everyone would agree we need to protect them at all costs. While some people are indifferent, most are not, although there is a wide divergence of opinion on the meaning and method of protecting them.
Ignoring Evil
By Thomas Hampson   |   05.31.23
The problem of child sexual abuse in the United States is far greater than most people realize. Sixty million American adults are sexual abuse survivors. Twenty percent of us. Thirty-nine million of the victims were abused before turning twelve years old. Because most of them will never tell anyone about their experiences, the scope of the problem remains largely a hidden evil.
Replacing Education with Activism
By Thomas Hampson   |   05.22.23
Librarians and teachers, coast to coast, once again have been sounding the alarm over a new wave of book bannings rolling across the land. A recent call to arms involved a middle school teacher in central Illinois who was forced to resign her position in March because she showed a controversial book to members of her class.
Grooming by Proxy
By Thomas Hampson   |   05.12.23
What motivates someone to become a teacher? If you love history or math or biology, for example, I can understand why you might be motivated to pass that love onto the next generation. Is this the reason? What about those who teach sex education? What motivates them?
Our Cultural Challenge
By Thomas Hampson   |   05.05.23
In 2002, the British Broadcasting Corporation polled its viewers for the names of those they believed were the greatest Britons of all time. The BBC compiled the feedback and came up with a list of the top 100 greatest men and women in all British history. One of the names on that list, at number 73, was Aleister Crowley.
Facts Matter
By Thomas Hampson   |   05.01.23
Several decades ago, a very prominent liberal in Illinois once told me that “there are facts and there are principles. I believe in principles. If the facts contradict the principles, then the facts must be ignored.” This seems to be the thinking of large swaths of our current population. Forget the facts. All that is important is what we believe.
The Trans Divide
By Thomas Hampson   |   04.18.23
The world’s richest man has it right. Last Friday Elon Musk tweeted, “[a]ny parent or doctor who sterilizes a child before they are a consenting adult should go to prison for life.” Twenty years ago this would not have been a controversial statement. The general response would have been, “of course.” But today it is a position at the very edge of a massive chasm that exists between the left and the right. How did this happen, and why?
No Common Sense
By Thomas Hampson   |   04.15.23
Schools throughout Illinois have implemented rules that require students to be allowed to use the restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, but it is not clear exactly how many schools. So a trans boy, who is really a girl, is allowed to use the boys’ restroom and locker room.
Undermining the Next Generation
By Thomas Hampson   |   04.05.23
Our sexualized culture not only is making children more vulnerable to sexual exploitation, it also is producing more child sexual predators. This should be no surprise to anyone.
California Dreaming?
By Thomas Hampson   |   03.29.23
Is it possible that our legislators are trying their best to make Illinois the California of the Midwest, without the mountains or beautiful weather? Our Governors, most certainly, are competing. Both have wildly inflated egos, both ignored their own directives during the height of the pandemic, and both have designs on the White House.
Thomas Hampson
Thomas Hampson

Thomas Hampson and his wife live in the suburbs of Chicago, have been married for 50 years, and have three grown children. Mr. Hampson is an Air Force veteran where he served as an Intelligence analyst in Western Europe. He also served as an Chief Investigator for the Illinois Legislative Investigating Commission and served on the Chicago Crime Commission as a board member. His work as an investigator prompted him to establish the Truth Alliance Foundation (TAF) and to dedicate the rest of his life to the protection of children. He hopes that the TAF will expand to facilitate the protection of children all over the United States and around the world.

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