Have We Arrived at Gomorrah?
By Thomas Hampson   |   12.27.23
In his book, Slouching Toward Gomorrah, Robert Bork warned that the left’s efforts to create a radical vision of egalitarianism are eroding our traditional values, values that are required to sustain our Republic. The book was written more than 25 years ago, before any Christian denomination would recognize so-called "gay" marriages.
Ideology Is Not Science
By Thomas Hampson   |   12.15.23
Most people have never heard of Harry Hay, yet his actions, starting in the 1940s, profoundly impacted our culture and continue to do so today, long after his death. If you don’t know who he is, you should. He was one of the founders of the homosexual activist movement along with his sometime lover, Will Geer.
Anti . . . Social Media
By Thomas Hampson   |   12.06.23
Three years ago, Exposure Labs created and released the documentary “The Social Dilemma,” exposing the dangerously manipulative technology that drives the wildly popular social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter (now X), Instagram, and all the others. Between 2011 and 2013, researchers began to see a disturbing trend emerging. Depression and anxiety among young people began to increase.
It is Indoctrination, Not Education
By Thomas Hampson   |   11.28.23
Waterloo High School is in the news again. This time, it is about students from the high school Diversity Club raising money to purchase “chest binders” for transgender boys (who are biological girls) who are transitioning without the knowledge or support of their parents.
Who is Responsible?
By Thomas Hampson   |   11.15.23
There are 1.85 million public school students in grades K to 12 in Illinois. Of those, 1.2 million of them, 65 percent, cannot read at grade level, and 1.4 million, 76 percent, do not have math skills at grade level. Did you know that?
Which Side?
By Thomas Hampson   |   10.31.23
Which side are you on? Do you know? There are only two. From the moment you get up in the morning until you go to sleep at night, you take one side or the other.
Different Perspectives?
By Thomas Hampson   |   10.18.23
Several essential characteristics separate humans from other mammals. The most significant among them is our complex reasoning ability. We can solve problems throughout the full range of our current awareness. We have a powerful capability to observe, collect, and analyze facts. We can formulate theories and design meticulous studies to test them out. And we can debate the meaning of the findings of those studies.
The Unimaginable Twisting of Every Principle of Parenthood
By Thomas Hampson   |   10.10.23
In a July 2010, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation featured a story by Ginger Gorman about a homosexual couple’s efforts to become parents. Peter Truong and Mark Newton of Queensland, Australia were celebrated as loving, caring, gay parents of their son, Boy 1.
Follow the Money in “Gender Affirming Care” Hoax
By Thomas Hampson   |   10.09.23
The transgender medical hoax has become a $4 billion industry, double what it was ten years ago. It is projected to almost double again by 2030.
Decline of the Diversity Industry?
By Thomas Hampson   |   10.04.23
Most schools are actively indoctrinating our children with falsehoods about all kinds of things. These falsehoods range from sexuality to racism to economics to our nation’s founding, even to math and science and medicine and the environment.
Fictional Book Bans
By Thomas Hampson   |   09.20.23
Alexi Giannoulias, Illinois Secretary of State, recently testified before a U.S. Senate Committee on the issue of how to determine what books belong in libraries and who determines what stays and what goes. Under questioning by Senator John Kennedy (R-LA), Giannoulias found himself at a loss for words after Kennedy read obscene passages from two controversial books, Gender Queer and All Boys Aren’t Blue, often found in public and school libraries.
What’s a Library For?
By Thomas Hampson   |   09.13.23
The British destroyed our original Library of Congress and the 3,000 books it housed, in 1814 during the War of 1812... Today, the Library of Congress is the largest library in the world and holds 173 million items, 39 million of them are books. Every day 15,000 items are added to the collection by the library's 3,000 employees.
Who Decides?
By Thomas Hampson   |   09.02.23
Gender-affirming care is the current standard for dealing with any child who is gender non-conforming, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The primary proponent of that standard in the administration is Rachel Levine, the transgender Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services. Levin claims that any other approach endangers the welfare of the transgender child. He said: “There is no argument among medical professionals – pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. – about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care.”
What Happened?
By Thomas Hampson   |   08.22.23
Two weeks ago, Governor Pritzker signed a bill, Public Act 103-0518, allowing any multiple-occupancy restroom to be identified as an all-gender multiple-occupancy restroom at the discretion of the building owner or leaseholder. Anyone of any “gender” could use it. Why was this law introduced, why did it pass?
Stopping The Predators
By Thomas Hampson   |   08.14.23
Who are the predators, and how do we defend our children from them? Are they all the same? Does their appearance give us any clue? What motivates them? What gives them pause? How do we shield children from them? How do we equip our children to resist?
Thomas Hampson
Thomas Hampson

Thomas Hampson and his wife live in the suburbs of Chicago, have been married for 50 years, and have three grown children. Mr. Hampson is an Air Force veteran where he served as an Intelligence analyst in Western Europe. He also served as an Chief Investigator for the Illinois Legislative Investigating Commission and served on the Chicago Crime Commission as a board member. His work as an investigator prompted him to establish the Truth Alliance Foundation (TAF) and to dedicate the rest of his life to the protection of children. He hopes that the TAF will expand to facilitate the protection of children all over the United States and around the world.

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