Children Indoctrinated in Schools Used as Props at UN “Climate” Summit
By Alex Newman   |   11.28.22
For the first time in its decades-long history, the United Nations “climate change” summit included a “Children and Youth” area packed with indoctrinated youngsters demanding that governments take “climate action” and dispense “climate justice.”
The Schools Are on Fire: Time to Get the Children Out
By Alex Newman   |   10.24.22
The system is destroying American children and the nation itself. It cannot be reformed. Instead, it should be abandoned.
Teachers Urged to “Transition” Children Behind Parents’ Backs
By Alex Newman   |   09.23.22
State “education” authorities in Michigan are under fire nationwide after getting caught red-handed encouraging teachers to, among other absurdities and crimes, “transition” children to new “genders” without the consent or even knowledge of their parents. The trainings are almost too outrageous to believe, and yet officials are publicly defending it all.
Teacher Defines “Fascist” for Students as “Republican” & “Christian”
By Alex Newman   |   09.16.22
A government-school teacher in California is under fire after being exposed teaching his child victims to associate fascism with Christianity, the Republican Party, European ancestry, heterosexuality, and other characteristics or identities. 
Top Reasons to Get Your Child OUT of Public School – NOW!
By Alex Newman   |   08.09.22
Far too many students in government schools are failing to meet proficiency standards in English Language Arts, Math and Science. Thanks to "progressive" educators and lawmakers, a major focus of "education" is now on social engineering, humanistic training, sexual immorality, revisionist history, (left-wing) political activism and other godless subject matters.
Biden Showering Tax Money on Schools to Sideline Parents & Church
By Alex Newman   |   08.06.22
Massive new federal tax funding and grants announced by the Biden administration for “full-service community schools” and “mental health” schemes will accelerate the transformation of what passes for “education” in America — and not in a good way. Basically, parents and families are being sidelined and replaced as government becomes mommy, daddy, and even “god.”
Pastors MUST Get More Involved, Says Liberty Pastors Network Founder Paul Blair
By Alex Newman   |   07.21.22
Pastors were crucial in the founding of America and its biblical principles, and they need to once again take their rightful place as leaders who teach the "whole counsel" of God for every area of life including politics, Liberty Pastors Network founder Pastor Paul Blair of Oklahoma tells us in this interview.
Elite U.S. Private Schools Join Forces with Sex Change Peddlers
By Alex Newman   |   07.19.22
A prominent organization that accredits hundreds of elite private schools across America has joined forces with a fringe leftwing organization that promotes transgenderism and even castration of children. The news is fueling concern among critics even as millions of families flee government schools over similar indoctrination of children in tax-funded “education.”
Murderous CCP Rebranding “Confucius Institutes” In U.S. Schools
By Alex Newman   |   07.07.22
Responding to public scrutiny and government policies cracking down on Chinese Communist Party propaganda and influence in American education, Beijing has been rebranding its infamous “Confucius Institutes” and the subversive programs associated with them. But the rot is still there, according to an explosive new report.
Biden Edict Imposes More Trans Extremism on School Children
By Alex Newman   |   07.01.22
As state governments respond to public pressure and work to rein in LGBT extremism in schools, the White House issued an executive order seeking to impose more gender confusion and homosexual activism on school children across the nation and beyond. The effort puts parental rights squarely in the crosshairs.
Resistance Grows to UN WHO & Biden “Global Health” Power Grab
By Alex Newman   |   05.18.22
Under the leadership of a Communist Chinese-backed “former” Marxist terror leader, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) and the Biden administration are plotting an unprecedented power grab to build a planetary bio-medical police state. Think Shanghai during lockdown, but worldwide. Leading experts argue that this is truly the emergence of the “New World Order” discussed by Biden and others.
As Parents Resisted Transgender Push, Teacher Suggested Sending in Child Services
By Alex Newman   |   05.12.22
If Erin Lee had known what her 12-year-old daughter would be exposed to during an afterschool “art club” last May, she would have never allowed her to go. It began innocently enough. Lee received a text from her daughter asking if she could stay late for an “art club” at Wellington Middle School near Fort Collins, Colorado.

What happened next, though, would change their lives forever.
“Parent Bill of Rights” Laws Sweep Nation
By Alex Newman   |   04.23.22
Responding to out-of-control indoctrination and rampant sexualization of children in government schools, lawmakers across the nation are considering and even passing legislation enshrining a “Parent Bill of Rights” into state law. Georgia and Kansas both passed such laws just this month. And most states this year had bills introduced dealing with the subject.

But how much good these laws might do remains to be seen. Many advocates say these will give parents more control over what their children are exposed to. Forces anxious to promote homosexuality, transgenderism, promiscuity, and sexual revolution, however, are up in arms. Teachers’ unions are also fighting tooth and nail.  
Citing Racial Discrimination, Black Leaders Target Roe v. Wade
By Alex Newman   |   04.06.22
An Alabama lawsuit on behalf of unborn black babies that’s making its way through the state’s courts is alleging that the abortion industry is deliberately targeting black Americans and other minorities. If successful, the attorneys and activists behind the case claim that it might ultimately lead to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 precedent-setting U.S. Supreme Court opinion that struck down state laws against abortion.
Debunking “Socialization” Myths About Homeschooling
By Alex Newman   |   03.16.22
As it becomes increasingly obvious that homeschoolers do significantly better than victims of government “education” on every academic metric, apologists for the public-school system often fall back on their “socialization” mantra.

But under its true definition, “socialization” is hardly something to be desired. And under the commonly held understanding of socialization — gaining certain desirable social skills — the data show clearly that home-educated children outperform public school students on every key indicator.
Alex Newman
Alex Newman

Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does. In addition to serving as president of the small media and information consulting firm Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad.

He currently serves as a contributor to WND (World Net Daily), an education writer for FreedomProject Media, a foreign correspondent for The New American magazine, a contributor to the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, and more. He has also written for numerous newspapers and magazines such as the Gainesville Sun, Liberty magazine, The Diplomat magazine, Crisis magazine, Swiss News magazine, Sunshine State News, Campus Reform, Alachua County Today, and many more. His work has been featured at Drudge, Breitbart, Fox News, and many other outlets. And his writing has been published in major newspapers across America.

As a consultant, Alex has worked on a wide array of campaigns, ranging from political campaigns for Congress to marketing campaigns for non-profit groups and international businesses. He also spent time working in marketing and branding as Creative Director, Europe, for a leading international branding firm based in Miami. Alex has a B.S. degree in journalism from the University of Florida with an emphasis on economics and international relations, as well as an A.A. degree in foreign languages from Miami-Dade College.

Alex has lived in eight countries (US, Mexico, Brazil, Switzerland, France, South Africa, Spain, Sweden) on four continents and speaks multiple languages fluently and more at varying degrees of proficiency. His work has been cited by governments and major media outlets around the world. Alex is a frequent guest on national and international radio and TV shows, and has been on many of America’s top programs including the Michael Savage show, the Janet Mefford show, the Phyllis Schlafly show, and many more. He is a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagles program as well as the nationally syndicated Inside the News program with Paul Jensen. He is also a frequent speaker on TV programs and at conferences, all together reaching tens of millions of people with the message of faith, family and freedom.

Alex is happily married and has five children. Along with his family, he currently splits his time between various places, including Europe and the United States. Follow him on Twitter: @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU

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