All Articles : Page 77
The Tide Is Turning Against Transgender Activism
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   08.23.22
Just as we should have compassion on those who truly struggle with their gender identity, we should stand firmly against transgender activism. Thankfully, there are more and more signs that the tide is turning against this latest example of sociological contagion.
Dr. Carl Trueman: Are We Living in Unprecedented Times?
By David E. Smith   |   08.22.22
Derek Buikema, lead pastor of Orland Park Christian Reformed Church in Orland Park, Illinois interviewed one of the most influential Christian thinkers in America today, Grove City College Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies Carl Trueman, for Illinois Family Institute.... In this second part of Pastor Buikema’s interview, Dr. Trueman confirms the sense many people have that we truly are living in “unprecedented times,” and explores the reasons why this historical moment is unprecedented.
The Exterminators’ Enemy Number One
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   08.20.22
What would it be like to be considered “Public Enemy Number One”? The term, first used in connection with Chicago’s notorious Al Capone, is a label most of us would prefer to avoid. However, when the organization slapping on this...
Why Some Children Leave the Faith
By Israel Wayne   |   08.17.22
Over the years I have observed hundreds of Christian families who seemingly did all the right things in raising their children, yet one or more still walked away from the faith of their parents once they were old enough to make their own decisions. No parent wants to go through all the trouble of training his or her children in the way they should go, only to find them turning around to head in the opposite direction.
Falsely Teaching Our Children That America is Evil
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   08.16.22
For 42 years American school children have been subject to a barrage of misinformation about our American history. This has helped cause many of them to hate America. And virtually every day we read about the results.
The Devastating Cost of Rejecting God
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   08.15.22
I heard of a gentleman traveling to a third-world country where driving regulations were minimal and police virtually nonexistent.  He noted that in terms of road etiquette it was a matter of “he who drives the biggest truck rules.”  So it is where God has been rejected.  Lawlessness ensues and the strong oppress the weak.  It is no coincidence that in all countries of the 20th Century dominated by strident atheists, the citizens were brutally oppressed.  However, removing accountability to God leads not only to lawlessness and tyranny, it also produces moral and spiritual blindness, foolish behavior, and hardened hearts.
Dr. Carl Trueman: How Did We Get Here?
By David E. Smith   |   08.13.22
IFI was blessed to be able to interview Grove City College professor of biblical and religious studies and author of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution Dr. Carl Trueman last fall when he was the keynote speaker at the annual Touchstone Conference... His landmark book has been lauded by cultural critics from Rod Dreher to Ben Shapiro to Al Mohler.
Analysis: 91.5% of black Cook County Third Graders Failed State Math Exam in 2021
In Cook County, 91.5 percent of black third grade students failed the 2021 state math exam. This means 91.5 percent of black third graders are not proficient at math, which is considered a core skill for later success in life. These students struggle with quickly adding and subtracting, multiplying one-digit numbers by multiple digit numbers, and fractions, according to the standards set by the state.
Regarding Brittney Griner & Monkeypox
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.10.22
Brittney Griner is the gun-toting, hashish-vaping WNBA player with a temper who seduced, assaulted, and abandoned her pregnant former “wife.” She’s now in a Russian prison for violating their drug laws. Despite Griner’s support for the Second Amendment, her abusive treatment of women, and her arrogant disrespect for another culture demonstrated by breaking their laws, the left will celebrate her. Why? Because Griner is a lesbian and hates America’s national anthem.
U-46 Parents Determined to Change the Educational Landscape
By Kathy Valente   |   08.10.22
Earlier this spring, a group of concerned parents and taxpayers in the U-46 school district assembled to discuss their collective concerns about the state of public education and the overarching impact on students and the community. Now organized under the moniker Parents and Taxpayers for Children in U-46 (PTC) their mission is to engage, educate and empower parents, students, teachers and taxpayers to not just push back on a system that is failing their children, but to create meaningful change in public education.
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