All Articles : Page 74
The 2022 General Election Voter Guide is Here!
By David E. Smith   |   09.24.22
While the November 8h General Election is less than 45 days away, early voting will begin next Thursday, September 29th. As in every election cycle, this election is critical for Illinois as well as for the nation, and it is crucial that your voice is heard. We cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is to exercise our civic duty to vote and be good stewards of God’s amazing gift of self-government.
Lindsey Grandstanding on Abortion
We cannot remain silent in our disappointment over the move by U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and U.S. Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ) to propose a federal ban on post-15-week abortions.
Teachers Urged to “Transition” Children Behind Parents’ Backs
By Alex Newman   |   09.23.22
State “education” authorities in Michigan are under fire nationwide after getting caught red-handed encouraging teachers to, among other absurdities and crimes, “transition” children to new “genders” without the consent or even knowledge of their parents. The trainings are almost too outrageous to believe, and yet officials are publicly defending it all.
Dr. Carl Trueman: How Have Evangelicals Given in to Expressive Individualism?
By David E. Smith   |   09.22.22
In his interview with Dr. Carl Trueman for Illinois Family Institute, Pastor Derek Buikema asked how Christians may be inadvertently capitulating to “expressive individualism.”
Biden’s DOJ Squelching Conscience Rights
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   09.22.22
What is the government alleging was illegal? Certainly it’s not illegal for an organization to be involved with crafting legislation?

The Biden Administration’s action is particularly astounding because we do not yet fully grasp the long-term deleterious effects of the puberty blockers and body-part-removal surgeries to “cure” gender dysphoria.
School Administrators Support Teacher with Fetish
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.21.22
By now many Americans have heard of the male shop teacher in Ontario, Canada who sports mammoth mammaries with erect nipples in skintight tops to class. The mentally ill and morally degenerate teacher goes by his new name, Kayla Lemieux, and he now sashays around school in a drag queen-like costume with wig, womanface, and women’s clothes. It is a grotesque and insulting caricature of women and surely a fetish.
Stop Rockford Abortion Facility from Opening!
By Chris Iverson   |   09.20.22
At a recent public meeting, the Rockford City Administrator (Todd Cagnoni) said that the Rockford city council could explicitly exclude abortion clinics from the zoning that includes the Maray Drive location. Any of the city alderman could propose the zoning change.
The Bill of What? Know Where Your Rights Come From.
By Walker Wildmon   |   09.20.22
The U.S. Constitution is one of the most important documents in American history, yet it receives little attention in today’s academia. As the securer of our freedom, the U.S. Constitution deserves our attention and respect. Leading up to the November election, we will walk through this invaluable document and its meaning to us all.
Should God Save America?
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   09.19.22
It has been interesting to read what Christians would like God to do for America. I have read repeated prayer requests for God to spare the Country, and I heartily agree with the sentiment. But I am also aware, as I hope most Christians are, that God operates sovereignly and wisely to achieve His own eternal purposes. His plans may or may not coincide with ours.
Teacher Defines “Fascist” for Students as “Republican” & “Christian”
By Alex Newman   |   09.16.22
A government-school teacher in California is under fire after being exposed teaching his child victims to associate fascism with Christianity, the Republican Party, European ancestry, heterosexuality, and other characteristics or identities. 
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