All Articles : Page 62
Death Coming Soon to A Pharmacy Near You
By Kenna Rose   |   02.11.23
As of early January 2023, Danco Laboratories, the U.S. manufacturer of the abortion pill, announced that the FDA has made changes to its guidelines surrounding the abortion pill. These changes allow pharmacies, from large chains like CVS or Walgreens to small, locally owned businesses, to dispense the pill to anyone with a prescription.
The Battle Over Free Speech
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   02.10.23
In a free society, why should only one political side dominate the media? Yet social media, the networks, the cable channels, newspapers, and satellite programming are all completely dominated by the left. Recently, we saw quite a kerfuffle when DirecTV, owned by giant AT&T, decided to ignominiously drop Newsmax-TV from their lineup.
Satan is Beginning to Show His Hand More Clearly
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   02.09.23
It’s as if Satan is coming out in full force, red tights and all – if not literally, then metaphorically. What else can be said of the performance of “Unholy” at the Grammy Awards this past Sunday night?
What About Poor Children? (Christian Education Solution)
By Israel Wayne   |   02.08.23
The safest place for children to be is at home with loving parents. As it stands, well over 90% of all parents send their children away from them for over 10,800 seat hours K-12 to be instructed by people they barely know. Fifty-eight percent of all working parents send their preschoolers to daycare where they are watched all day by people they barely know. As has been reported elsewhere, sexual abuse of children in daycares and government schools is rampant!
Settled Science?
By Thomas Hampson   |   02.07.23
During the mid-90’s international condemnation was directed at the practice of female circumcision, a euphemism for female genital mutilation. Did you know that The Female Genital Mutilation Act of 1996, which outlawed the procedure in all 50 States and it made it a crime to take a child to another country for that purpose as well, passed with substantial bipartisan support?
UN Pushing New Age Spirituality on Schoolchildren With SEL, Neuroscience
By Alex Newman   |   02.06.23
Weaponizing public schools for sinister purposes, an obscure United Nations institute is quietly working to transform education worldwide to impose radical political and spiritual values and beliefs on children. It is all happening under the guise of “social-emotional learning,” or SEL, a scheme hatched at a New Age organization whose founder and namesake was a follower of Lucifer Publishing Company chief Alice Bailey. 
Those Attacks on Gas Stoves Aren’t Really about Health
By Steve Goreham, MS/EE, MBA   |   02.06.23
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently announced that indoor gas stoves emitted harmful pollution. Several studies claim that the use of gas can cause respiratory illness. The CPSC is considering restrictions on gas stoves, including possible bans in new residential construction. But attacks on gas stoves are based on questionable science and are largely driven by concerns not related to health.
No God, No Rights
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   02.04.23
When Vice President Kamala Harris gave a speech on the 50th anniversary of “Roe v. Wade” about a week ago, she infamously left out the Creator—when talking about our rights. One wag told me, “Hey, at least Kamala didn’t say, we ‘are created by … you know, the thing,’” as did her boss on the campaign trail.
May Sheriffs Disobey Illinois’ Assault Weapons Ban?
By Jonathan Alban   |   02.03.23
Illinois’s recent assault weapons ban has provoked more than a little consternation across the state—as it should. The ban, passed by Governor Pritzker on January 10 of this year, immediately banned the sale of “assault weapons” and magazines with a capacity greater than ten rounds. The ban also requires current firearm owners to register their now-illegal weapons with the Illinois State Police. There’s only one problem for Pritzker: The vast majority of Sheriffs in are not on board.
The Cost of School Vouchers: Sky-High Inflation
Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Starting with the Higher Education Act of 1965, the government has subsidized the cost of college with the promise that more people would be able to afford higher education. Instead, college tuition and textbook costs have far outpaced inflation. Likewise, the medical field has seen a significant increase in cost versus inflation with various subsidies, while life expectancy has actually decreased in the United States. So the cost of college has skyrocketed, and who can afford health care these days? Clearly, dumping money into a problem won’t just fix it.
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