All Articles : Page 61
Illinois – Home of Ideology, Not Facts
By Thomas Hampson   |   02.22.23
If one State Senator has his way, Illinois will become a center for gender affirmation care for children—which is just a euphemism for chemical castration and surgical mutilation of children. Mike Simmons (D-Chicago) district, recently introduced SB 1283 which is to be known as the “Gender-Affirming Health Care Protection Act.” He introduced the bill as a response to several states outlawing puberty blockers, hormone therapy and cosmetic surgery that makes the child appear to be the opposite of the child’s birth sex.
Pushing Woke Agendas in Private Bathroom Spaces
By Mae Arthur   |   02.20.23
It seems an odd place for woke ideology and degenerating ideas of gender, sexuality, and basic biology to play out, but even public restrooms are not safe with leftists in the Illinois state house. Even as some businesses and schools have opted to make available unisex bathroom facilities, this has not been required by law. But that may be about to change.
Federal Lawmakers File Bill to Shut Down U.S. Department of Education
By Alex Newman   |   02.18.23
A coalition of Republican lawmakers led by U.S. Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced legislation to shut down the U.S. Department of Education, arguing that there is no constitutional authority for the controversial bureaucracy to exist. Co-sponsors include U.S. Representatives Mary Miller of Illinois, Russ Fulcher of Idaho, Lauren Boebert from Colorado and Chip Roy of Texas.
The Harbaugh Pledge
By David E. Smith   |   02.17.23
In an interview with ESPN last September, Michigan Wolverines Coach Jim Harbaugh (and former Chicago Bear quarterback) openly shared that he tells his family, team, and staff that if any of them is faced with a crisis pregnancy, he and his wife Sarah will adopt that child. 
IFI Worldview Conference: Rescue Those Staggering Toward Slaughter
By David E. Smith   |   02.16.23
There is no question about it. With the radical expansion of Abortion Inc. in our state, the need to educate and activate the Body of Christ is now more essential than ever. The problems we face in Illinois are not going to be solved anytime in the near future by good lawmakers in Springfield or in Washington D.C. who file great pro-life bills. We face a problem that is culturally systemic, which is only getting more pronounced the further we drift away from God.
In the Best Interest of the Child
By Thomas Hampson   |   02.15.23
Is it in the best interest of the child to be raised by a mother who ingested so much alcohol or drugs that it affected the child’s fetal development? Illinois State Representative LaShawn Ford (D-Chicago) does not think so. A bill he introduced for consideration this session of the General Assembly, HB 1468, would remove this provision in Illinois law.
SpeakOut Illinois 2023
By David E. Smith   |   02.13.23
Join the IFI Team and many other great pro-life advocates at the annual SpeakOut Illinois Conference. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, February 25th at the Drury Lane in Oak Brook Terrace.
Kelly Cassidy’s Bill for Marriage Chaos in Illinois
By David Curtin   |   02.13.23
Illinois State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) has introduced H.B. 1591 in an attempt to insulate Illinois as a destination for same-sex couples to get a government "marriage" certificate. She and her like-minded friends believe that the U.S. Supreme Court may overturn the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision, striking down state bans on same-sex "marriage." Specifically, they fear that the majority of SCOTUS justices would overturn cases guaranteeing the rights to same-sex marriage, same-sex consensual relations and contraception by declaring the due process precedents, unconstitutional.
God and Christians at the Crossroads
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   02.11.23
The high incarceration rate in America has raised many questions over the years and is one reason used by the Left for demanding radical changes to or even a dismantling of the Nation. They sometimes try to blame America’s Judeo/Christian...
Words Matter
By Ecce Verum   |   02.11.23
Why is the Left bound and determined to force us to use their vocabulary? Aren't we all talking about the same things, whether we say "transgenderism" or "gender dysphoria," "homosexual union" or "homosexual marriage," "happy holidays" or "merry Christmas?" Let's take a brief overview of the biblical theology of language, shall we? I think we’ll uncover the very important answer.
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