All Articles : Page 44
Stepping Up for The Pro-Life Cause
By Ecce Verum   |   07.17.23
Sometimes you hear of an event, experience a situation, or even meet a person who really convicts you about something, and then you feel you have to tell others about it even though you haven’t mastered it yourself yet. That is just what happened to me in the recent past, so I'm writing this article to myself as much as to you.  
Misogyny: YMCA Springfield Puts Women Last
By David E. Smith   |   07.15.23
The Illinois Freedom Caucus held a press conference on Thursday, July 13th in order to bring attention to the misogynic woke fiasco at the YMCA in Springfield, Illinois. Specifically, these state lawmakers gathered in support of 16-year-old Abbigail Wheeler who was forced to share a locker room with a biological male and then kicked off her swim team after she complained about it.
The War on Fathers
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   07.15.23
A British cleric created a stir recently by accusing Jesus of teaching something wrong. Jesus told us that when we pray, we should say, “Our Father…” But the Archbishop of York told his fellow clergymen: “I know the word ‘father’...
Don’t Plagiarize God
By Ecce Verum   |   07.14.23
In our recent discussion of fatalism contrasted with the biblical worldview, we saw that physical resources are only as good as the theology that wields them. That is, some otherwise wealthy cultures are shackled by fatalist worldviews positing that there is little point in trying to improve anyone’s lot in life—people are irrevocably bound by their social class or by their circumstances. Societies like these might be given the resources to help those in need, but if they fatalistically refuse to help the lowly or distressed, the suffering may very well go on suffering.
We Can Thank Gay Activists for Today’s Epidemic of Trans Confusion
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   07.13.23
It is increasingly common for well-known LGB leaders to separate themselves from today’s ever-increasing transanity.

The tennis great Martina Navratilova, herself an out and proud lesbian, has spoken forcefully against biological males competing against females. And the influential gay blogger Andrew Sullivan recently devoted a lengthy piece to this subject titled “The Queers Versus the Homosexuals.”
Wiccans Gone Woke
By Gabriel Syme   |   07.12.23
It seems that even witchcraft is not exempt from woke ideology. But why should it be? The Bible calls Satan “…the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience” (Eph 2:2). That evil spirit was at work during Paul’s day, and he is at work today in everyone who is a slave to sin.
Sound of Freedom?
By Thomas Hampson   |   07.11.23
No problem can be solved unless you can see it clearly. Too often, people jump in and act without having any real understanding of the problem--its nature and scope, its scale and dimensions. They make assumptions and conclusions, without proper investigation and clarity. The result is always the same when you act without understanding. Failure.
How Roe v. Wade Poisoned the Abortion Debate for Fifty Years
Recently, we celebrated one year in a post-Roe America. As we acknowledge this important milestone, it’s worthwhile to look at how a decision handed down by a U.S. Supreme Court Justice still shapes the way our nation thinks about the humanity and rights of the pre-born after five decades — especially since a closer examination of the standard the Court offered reveals it to be capricious and arbitrary at best.
A Christian Rebuttal to Arlington Heights’ “Pride” Proclamation
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   07.08.23
As readers may remember, in 2021 far Left activists were successful in pressuring several suburban governments to either fly the LGBTQ+ flag in June or pressure city councils to pass a "Pride" Resolution for the month of June. For three years the Arlington Heights city council has passed a resolution declaring June to be Pride Month.
Christianity and Fatalism
By Ecce Verum   |   07.07.23
In articles like these, I, and other writers, tend to focus on the alarming decay of the Christian worldview and value system in the United States. And, since the enemy's attacks on our culture truly are alarming, we are indeed making good use of our time in exposing them. However, it's also important to step back and consider just how much Christianity has influenced—and still persists in influencing—our culture. We still have many blessings to thank the Lord for, and there is still much to defend.
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