All Articles : Page 40
What Happened?
By Thomas Hampson   |   08.22.23
Two weeks ago, Governor Pritzker signed a bill, Public Act 103-0518, allowing any multiple-occupancy restroom to be identified as an all-gender multiple-occupancy restroom at the discretion of the building owner or leaseholder. Anyone of any “gender” could use it. Why was this law introduced, why did it pass?
Frequent Marijuana Use Linked to Mental Illness
By David E. Smith   |   08.21.23
A recent study from Denmark adds to concerns about the impact of marijuana upon users’ mental health. According to a Wall Street Journal op-ed by psychologist Susan Pinker, a mammoth study of the health records of all 6.5 million Danes over a 26-year period showed a strong correlation between cannabis (marijuana) use disorder and various mental health diagnoses.
The Trinity In Salvation Part 2: The Son’s Purchase
By David Lovi   |   08.19.23
Last week we embarked on a study in Ephesians 1, which so clearly and powerfully shows us how God as a Trinity works out our salvation. God the Father planned and predestined his redeemed for adoption as sons! What a grand and glorious truth that is! And his plan entailed sending his Son, Jesus to carry out the work of redemption.
While President Biden Establishes a New National Monument, a Forgotten One Holds the Answer to Our Cultural Crisis
President Joe Biden signed a proclamation at Red Butte, Arizona, on Tuesday creating the fifth national monument established during his presidency. Titled Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni—Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon—it expands the conserved Grand Canyon region by 1 million acres.
Church Insecurity – Part 1
It was a Lifeway Research report earlier this spring that “triggered” my interest on church security. Most of us in the faith community seem to go about our weekly church business not too concerned about safety at our house of worship. Fortunately, others take this quite seriously. Church security is a broader topic than one might think. I recall my membership in a Dallas megachurch in the 1980s where building and parking garage security was a must. Occasional visits from relatively non-threatening types often needed to be escorted from the premises. Even the pastor had a personal security detail present before and after services. Times have changed.
Former Chicago Public Teacher Blows Whistle on Dangerous Trainings
By Kathy Valente   |   08.17.23
Our friend and co-laborer Alex Newman recently interviewed John Stamper, a former teacher and coach of 13 years who is now exposing what’s happening to innocent children who still attend government schools.
Culture Can Shift Faster Than You Think
By Israel Wayne   |   08.17.23
I recently had a speaking tour through three South American countries. As I talked with many Christians in these nations, I heard a lot of discouragement. They feel they simply don’t have the influence they need to see positive change occur. In some of the countries, Marxism has taken root and has a stranglehold on politics and economics. Many Protestant Christians I talked to there are hoping to start Christian schools and desire to legalize homeschooling. This seems daunting as Protestants make up only 10-20% of the population.
Have You Heard of a “Financial Abortion?”
By Ecce Verum   |   08.16.23
What exactly is a financial abortion? Think about it this way: if a medical abortion is a woman's way to escape the burden of motherhood, then a financial abortion is a man's way to escape the burden of fatherhood. Advocates for financial abortion argue that a father should be able to decide whether or not to assume the legal rights and responsibilities to care for the child he fathered if the woman gives birth. And, if the father decides to decline the opportunity in a timely manner, he is off the hook for paying child support.
One Simple Energy Question Devastates ‘Net-Zero’ Pipe Dreams
By Steve Goreham, MS/EE, MBA   |   08.15.23
Which is more environmentally friendly — an energy source that uses one unit of land to produce one unit of electricity, or a source that uses 100 units of land to produce one unit of electricity?

The answer should be obvious.
Thomas Hampson: Act Now to Rescue Kids from Sex Trafficking!
In light of the blockbuster film The Sound of Freedom, many Americans are increasingly concerned about our southern border and the child sex trafficking coming into the United States.
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