All Articles : Page 3

By Gabriel Syme
Assisted suicide is incompatible with biblical teaching. Human life is sacred, and suffering has a divine purpose. While believers must be compassionate toward those who suffer, we must also stand firm against assisted suicide as an affront to God’s sovereignty.

By Kathy Valente
An Illinois Senate Executive subject matter hearing on the assisted suicide bill, SB 9, will be held in Chicago this Friday, February 21st. Please try to attend to pack the room with pro-life citizens, if you're able.

By Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer
While at one of my doctor visits earlier this year, I was caught off guard by a staff member quite upset over a recent news story. Perhaps you saw it. I had not.

By David E. Smith
Over the years, we have loved being able to tell people that Illinois was among the best states with homeschooling freedoms. That is thanks, in part to a 1950 case (People v. Levisen) in which the Illinois Supreme Court determined that the term "private school" included instruction given to a child at home, as long as the instruction was adequate.

By Dr. Jerry Newcombe
Today, we as a nation are monstrously in debt and borrowing more and more off the backs of our children and grandchildren. Yet Alexander Hamilton, our country’s first Secretary of the Treasury, said in Federalist 35 that our economy will work best when we have less needless regulations.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
Is there such a thing as healthy kids' entertainment? Sherwood Kids has accomplished this very thing. They observed the kids’ entertainment industry and found that it was littered with overstimulating shows and stories that failed to spark curiosity or true imagination. So they decided to change that.

By Alex Newman
Authorities and the education establishment in Illinois are gearing up to resist federal immigration law and try to block enforcement to protect illegal immigrants, setting the stage for a potential showdown of historic with the U.S. government.

By Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer
A while back, in the first decade of this century, Moody Publishers offered a prayer journal notebook by E.M. Bounds. This Methodist minister died in 1913. During the 70-plus years of his life, he wrote several books on prayer. One of his classics is titled Power Through Prayer.

By David E. Smith
Back in May 2024, we warned our readers in an email alert about the fact that some state lawmakers were preparing to push legislation to legalize prostitution in the Land of Lincoln. Equality Illinois, the state's largest LGBTQ+ lobbying organization based in Chicago, is one of those groups who hopes not only to pass this proposal...

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
For years, the Colson Center has been dedicated to not just encouraging a personal relationship with Jesus, but also challenging Christians to use the lens of Scripture to comprehend all of life.