All Articles : Page 17
IVF – Speaking from Personal Experience
You may have seen news stories in the last few weeks in reaction to an Alabama Supreme Court ruling in a case involving in vitro fertilization (IVF). It’s an issue that impacts a lot of sensitivities and brings up significant ethical questions. And, it is something that I, as an IVF baby, am deeply invested in. But my opinions may surprise you.
Another Batch of Witness Slips to File
By Kathy Valente   |   03.18.24
To all those who have taken the time to let lawmakers know your position on the many bills that are moving through committees: THANK YOU! Sometimes it can get discouraging and you might think ‘it’s not even worth the effort.’...
Wise as Serpents. Harmless as Doves.
Hard to believe is was four years ago when the dreaded COVID-19 virus scare virtually shut down America. You recall those days, right? Limited groups were allowed in stores. Schools were doing remote learning. Restaurants had restricted space or even outdoor-only seating. Family events were cancelled, including big weddings and farewell funeral gatherings. 
Testing For Truth
I often wonder why I torture myself. Each weekday afternoon, I try to stay somewhat literate in what is happening in our world by watching the evening network news. Most every day, I regret it. 
Christian, Do Your Duty: Vote!
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   03.15.24
Every American citizen has, among other things, the right and responsibility to vote. If too many fail to take this responsibility seriously, it allows for a few, with bad intentions, to transform the state into an oligarchy or dictatorship!
CVS and Walgreens Put Profit Over People?
By David E. Smith   |   03.15.24
What Elizabeth Steele experienced with her chemical abortion was anything but safe. “Nobody warned me of the drugs’ side effects. Nobody mentioned that there was danger. They promised it was safe,” she said.
Feds Colluding With Corporate America Against Conservatives?
By David E. Smith   |   03.14.24
The U.S. House Judiciary subcommittee recently held a hearing in D.C. in which they focused on the government's use of financial surveillance. The hearing was prompted by a staff report released by the committee, which found that federal law enforcement agencies have been engaged in broad financial surveillance of Americans, without a warrant and often without any suspicion of wrongdoing.
Embryo Adoption: A Life-Affirming Option
By Kathy Athearn   |   03.13.24
Since the Alabama Supreme Court ruled on February 16 that frozen embryos should be recognized and protected as unborn children, Democrats have wrongfully alleged that Republicans want to “ban” in vitro fertilization (IVF). Even President Biden made this accusation during the State of the Union address last Thursday. However, this is not true. Republicans are not wanting to ban IVF.
Electric Power vs. Green Goals
By Steve Goreham, MS/EE, MBA   |   03.12.24
“The green movement calls for a shutdown of coal and gas power plants. At the same time, it demands a switch to electric vehicles, electric home appliances, and green hydrogen produced by power-intensive electrolyzers. This and the AI revolution portend a breakdown of the so-called energy transition.”
Why Should Anyone Homeschool? Part 1
By Ecce Verum   |   03.12.24
I've been blessed to write several dozen articles for IFI on topics ranging from transgender bathrooms to sports gambling to the politically correct concept of "ableism." It's been a very fun ride. But, peering back through it all—the rants on the artificial fertility lobby and the exposés of abortion politics, the laments over the modern denial of science and the abandonment of logic—I still think back to the very first article I ever wrote for the Institute: COVID Boosted Idea of Educational Freedom.
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