All Articles : Page 11
Please Let State Lawmakers Know What You Think About These Bills
By Kathy Valente   |   05.06.24
The Illinois General Assembly is scheduled to adjourn on May 24th, so our state lawmakers are in Springfield five days a week instead of three in order to pass their bills. Some of these proposals are still making their way through the process. Your emails and calls are critically important. Please don't give up!
What’s the Hubbub About “Influencers?”  
By Ecce Verum   |   05.06.24
In 2022, research found that almost 1 in 5 Gen Z-ers were willing to quit their job to be an "influencer" on social media. 12% would quit college. So, whatever an influencer is, it sure seems important to this generation. Is that for good or for ill? While there are rarely clear answers to questions like these, here are some thoughts that might offer a sound perspective on the newfangled industry of "influencing."
Choose You This Day: Part 3
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   05.04.24
A sad commentary on American culture is its confusion regarding love, to the point that love has been flipped on its head to become its opposite!  Today, if you genuinely love, you will probably be called a hater, and many will declare that you are loving when what you say and do is actually destructive and deadly!
The Pro-Life Intramural, Part 2
By Ecce Verum   |   05.03.24
Last time, we discussed the two sides of the intramural pro-life debate: abolitionists and prudentialists. And we observed that each side has a valid perspective based on a very true aspect of the issue. But shall the twain ever meet?
“Never Misunderestimate.”
I trust you’ll recall the source of this verbal gaffe. It came from our esteemed former president, George W. Bush. It was his attempt to define when someone undervalues or underestimates something. It was a malaprop we all understood. 
College Brats Indeed
By David E. Smith   |   05.03.24
I chuckled as I read the subject line of a news release sent out by Bill Donohue of the Catholic League yesterday: "Meet Our Bratty Revolutionaries." That sentiment has certainly crossed my mind a few times recently. Our culture is soft, spoiled, and easily misled by deceitful agents of change -- be they “news” anchors or college professors.
Accomplices to Exploitation
By Thomas Hampson   |   05.02.24
Stories of children reported to be victims of sexual exploitation are so familiar these days that they have become little more than background noise in the daily news feed. Even our legislators don’t give this exploitation a second thought. At least, that’s the impression I get from a review of HB 5239.
The Global Threat of the WHO Pandemic Agreement
By Mae Arthur   |   05.01.24
Picture this: nations all over the world enter into a binding agreement, not with one another, but with a global governing body that they empower to essentially take over in case of emergency.
Capping THC Levels in Pot
By Kathy Valente   |   05.01.24
A bi-partisan group of State Representatives recently filed HR 700 at the Capitol in Springfield. This resolution calls for a cap on THC levels in retail marijuana. We are working the Illinois House members in hopes that we can better educate them on the consequences of high potency marijuana in our state.
Only God Should Play God, Part 2
By Ecce Verum   |   05.01.24
Last time, we discussed several moral issues that arise when man decides to "play God" in the area of human reproduction. In vitro fertilization always takes innocent life. Embryonic genetic editing tends towards the sad assumption that the mother is the only patient involved, because the embryo is not considered a patient. And efforts to alter a baby's genetics don't have an easy line between "health-related concerns" and flat-out "child enhancement."
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