The following is taken from the legal experts at the HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association). We’re very grateful for their expertise.
HB 2827 forces homeschool families to file a “Homeschool Declaration Form” by August 1st of each year to the public school principal in the district in which the family resides. The information will be transmitted to the “regional office of education,” intermediate service center,” or the Chicago Public Schools Superintendent, creating an immense unfunded mandate and a great potential for lost forms and chaos.
HB 2827 establishes criminal truancy penalties for parents, a Class C misdemeanor with fines up to $500 and/or up to 30 days in jail, if a family does not file the “Homeschool Declaration Form.”
These penalties can lead to investigations by the Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS), and potential removal of children from the child’s home and placement in temporary foster care.
Proof of a high school diploma or its equivalent will be required from parents.
Because school districts are required to provide a report that includes the “grade level and gender identity” of students, the form will ask for that information.
The “Homeschool Declaration Form” can, in the future, be expanded simply through the State Board of Election regulation.
Because the Illinois State Board of Education “may adopt any rules necessary to implement and administer this Act,” more restrictions could be enacted without legislative oversight.
HB 2827 authorizes a regional office of education, intermediate service center, or Chicago Public Schools to demand without any reason given for a family to produce an “educational portfolio as evidence that the homeschool administrator’s homeschool program provides a course of instruction that is sufficient to satisfy the education requirements set forth in Sections 26-1 and 27-1 of the School Code and that is at least commensurate with the standards prescribed for public schools.” There is no limit as to the number of times a family would be asked to produce the “educational portfolio.”
Homeschool students would have to comply with all public school health, medical, and immunization reporting requirements to participate in any public school activity. Based on how this section is written, it would be very easy for a future Illinois legislature to expand this requirement to ALL home education families.
Supporters of HB 2827 argue that there’s a truancy issue in Illinois. They are correct. But a quick online search for truancy in Illinois reveals these truant students are students who are already enrolled in public schools.
TAKE ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip in OPPOSITION to HB 2827.
Witness Slip Instructions (In any field where the system requires text be submitted, such as Firm/Business or Title, type in self.)
Section I. Enter your name, address, city and zip code. (Do not use punctuation.)
Section II. Leave it blank if you are not a representative of a group or business.
Section III. Check your position as Opponent or Proponent, depending on the bill.
Section IV. Unless you are filing a written statement, select Record of Appearance Only.
Lastly, agree to the terms of agreement by checking the box.
Click Create (Slip).
MORE ACTION: Click HERE to email your state representative to oppose HB 2827 if it passes out of committee.