Don’t Miss Dr. Brad Wilcox & Pastor Scott Phelps!
Please come, learn, and be challenged to live above the fray in today’s Babylonian culture. Learn how to reject the secular trends of the world and embrace the good things God has called us to.
Walk-Ins Are Welcome!
Through this one-day conference, we hope you will come away equipped to recognize and expose the lies being sold to us, our children, and our grandchildren. It is our prayer that attendees will understand God’s purpose for biblical marriage and family and how He uses these institutions to bless us and our culture.
The High Calling of Marriage and Family
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Belmont Bible Church
5430 Belmont Road, Downers Grove, IL 60515
$15 per person / $35 per family / Lunch is not included, but you may bring your own.
A list of local eateries will be made available.
Praise and Worship Pre-Session with Eric C. Rose: 9:15 AM —9:55 AM
Morning Sessions: 10:00 AM —12:00 PM
Session 1: Dr. Brad Wilcox – “Marriage and the Common Good: How the State of Our Union Depends Upon the State of Our Unions”
Session 2: Scott Phelps – “Inspiring Hope for America’s Youth: The best way to restore a culture of marriage and family is to reach a new generation of American youth on the clear and objective benefits of marriage and family”
Afternoon Sessions: 1:00 PM — 3:00 PM
Session 3: Dr. Brad Wilcox – “The Closing of the American Heart: Why young adults are steering clear of marriage and family and what we can do to revive the fortunes of the family”
Session 4: Scott Phelps – “Helping Youth Embrace the Success Sequence: Rebuilding a culture of marriage and family requires that we provide our youth with a practical pathway toward future success”
CLICK HERE to acquire your tickets online.
Click HERE for more information about our speakers and a printable flyer.
Read more:
Why Worldview Training is Vital