PODCAST: The GOP’s Shameful Pride Coalition

Over the weekend, the Republican National Committee (RNC) announced its newest endeavor called the “RNC Pride Coalition.” The RNC is colluding with Log Cabin Republicans, the country’s largest “LGBTQ+,” allegedly Republican group, to get Republicans elected. Make no mistake, the RNC Pride Coalition will seek to get elected their ideological kind of Republican—the kind that believe marriage has no connection to sexual differentiation or reproduction, the kind that believe children have no right to a mother and a father, and the kind that believe celebration of homosexual acts and relationships is necessary for a healthy social order. Log Cabin Republicans and the RNC Pride Coalition believe that homosexual acts and relationships are worthy of pride. Such beliefs are neither conservative nor good for America.

The RNC has decided that sacrificing principle for power will build a better America. The RNC, under chairwoman Ronna McDaniel’s leadership, has calculated that the homosexual and cross-dressing communities are more politically valuable to the RNC than are stalwart conservatives who have been fighting for decades to make America a safe place where America’s families, children, and liberty can flourish.

While conservatives are awakening from their slumber, working tenaciously to get critical race theory, the “trans” ideology, and homosexual porn out of their schools, Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel is working tenaciously to curry favor with homosexual “Republicans.”

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: The GOP's Shameful Pride Coalition
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