PODCAST: Oberlin College Student Exposes Transinsanity

“Peter” Fray-Witzer, a privileged white female student at uber-woke Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio claims to have been recently triggered big time by the presence of workmen in her dorm room who came to install a spanking new radiator so Fray-Witzer (birth name “Ava”) would be cozy in her segregated dorm throughout the cold Ohio winter.

The regressive Oberlin is deeply committed to “identity-based” segregation. Oberlin is so committed to segregation that it provides student housing segregated by race, ethnicity, and “gender identity.”

In an editorial published in the student newspaper, Fray-Witzer waxed aggrieved that she “had less than 24 hours to prepare for the arrival of the installation crew.”

She “was further perturbed by the ambiguous” period of time the installers would be in her room. Evidently, she expected to know precisely how long it would take for workers to install a new radiator. Good luck when she moves into the real world.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Oberlin College Student Exposes Transinsanity
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