PODCAST: Illinois Dem’s Bill to Punish Texas for Heartbeat Law

State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) is fighting mad. Why? Because Texas lawmakers had the audacity to pass a law to protect tiny humans with heartbeats from being killed. Cassidy does not believe in states’ rights. Like all other “progressives,” Cassidy is an arrogant totalitarian who believes the entire world must think like her and subsidize the dissemination of her beliefs. And when Cassidy gets mad, she gets even.

On September 14, Cassidy filed a bill in response to the Texas Heartbeat Act. Her bill (HB 4146) is titled the “TExAS Act-The Expanding Abortion Services Act.” While this bill addresses pregnancies resulting from “sexual assault” and “domestic abuse,” it goes further. If passed it would make it possible for any man in a consensual sexual relationship—including a marital relationship—that results in an “unintended” pregnancy to be sued civilly:

Any person, other than an officer or employee of the State or a unit of local government, may bring a civil action against any person who … causes a person to have an unintended pregnancy, regardless of circumstances; or … intends to engage in the act or conduct [that causes a person to have an unintended pregnancy, regardless of circumstances]. …

In other words, if passed, any woman may sue any man—including her husband—for impregnating her, even if the sex were consensual. This is retribution for Texans passing a law that the tyrannical Cassidy hates.

Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Illinois Dem's Bill to Punish Texas for Heartbeat Law
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