PODCAST: The Disastrous Biden Administration

With the disastrous Fall of Saigon Redux—that is, the Fall of Kabul—and the 2022 midterms fast approaching, it seems a good time for a cursory review of the past seven months of Joe Biden’s ill-fated presidency and of 2020 pre-presidential election discussions.

Befuddled Biden and his hapless administration have presided over the epically incompetent exit from Afghanistan, which is resulting in a humanitarian crisis, has left Afghans who helped the United States at risk, has left U.S. military weapons in the hands of terrorists, has increased the threat of terrorist acts on U.S. soil, and has diminished our allies’ trust in America as security partners.

The epically disastrous border crisis created by Biden policies and pronouncements dwarfs in magnitude of human suffering and numbers anything that happened under Trump. If the legacy press included ethical journalists, this would have been frontpage news every day until the fall of Kabul. They would be rightly condemning Biden’s housing of children in overcrowded plastic pods, the release of COVID-positive illegals into the U.S., the record-setting number of deaths of immigrants along the Arizona border, the refusal of Biden to allow journalists to witness the housing crisis firsthand, and the failure of Kamala Harris to visit the border communities most affected by the crisis.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: The Disastrous Biden Administration
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