PODCAST: Porn Star Rightly Kicked Out of Conservative Political Event

Many self-identifying Republicans have no understanding of the term “conservatism.” Case in point, the recent kerfuffle that ensued when conservative leaders of the Turning Point USA organization rightfully revoked an invitation to porn star “Brandi Love” to attend the Student Action Summit as a VIP. Love was asked to leave the event intended for high school and college students after attendees found out what she does for a living. To be clear, Love, who self-identifies as “conservative,” is not a former porn star. She is a current porn star who heartily affirms pornography.

Anyone who voluntarily performs in porn films or any other “sex work” is, by those acts, not conservative. A conservative who engages in or approves of “sex work,” porn use, legalized human slaughter, cross-sex impersonation, or homosexual acts or relationships is not conservative. The Republican big tent should no more include affirmation of pornography, same-sex faux-marriage, abortion, or cross-sex identification than it should include climate hysterics, China-collaborators, or open border fanatics.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Porn Star Rightly Kicked Out of Conservative Political Event
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