PODCAST: Middle School Invites Homosexual Drag Queen to Career Day

We’re foolish if we ignore what’s going on in schools in other states, because cancerous ideas metastasize especially among change-agents who use their taxpayer-funded positions to indoctrinate other people’s children. And boy oh boy did change-agents in Rocky Top Middle School in Thornton, Colorado out-do themselves in mainlining cancer cells right into the veins of other people’s children. On Friday, October 19, the school invited a homosexual man who makes a living as drag queen Jessica L’Whor (get it, Jessica the Whore) to come talk and read to children on career day. You remember career days, don’t you? That’s when schools used to bring in people to share details about their respectable careers in order to inform and perhaps inspire children to pursue a career about which they knew little or nothing.


Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Middle School Invites Homosexual Drag Queen to Career Day
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