Ben Carson Protects The Impoverished At Homeless Shelters
Ben Carson Protects The Impoverished At Homeless Shelters

Dr. Benjamin Carson, Secretary of U.S. Housing and Urban Development, announced new rules permitting single-sex or sex-segregated homeless shelters to develop policies for individuals whose gender identity does not match their biological sex. Many shelters, particularly faith-based shelters, did not want to house biological males with biological females.

The new rule will allow shelters to define gender based on biological gender. In 2012, President Obama issued the Equal Access Rule which prohibits shelters from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Carson said HUD will keep the anti-discrimination part of the rule while allowing shelters to address safety or religious considerations.

This only highlights how important it is to have a conservative in the White House making appointments to federal agencies. “Elections have consequences,” as the old aphorism proclaims…

To read more about the policy, click here.

Ian Howell
Chicago, Illinois

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