Protect Our Daughters and Granddaughters!
Protect Our Daughters and Granddaughters!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear Pro-Life Friends,

Your presence in Springfield is needed next week! The Illinois General Assembly is considering multiple ways to undermine parental rights and put our young daughters at risk. They are considering multiple pieces of legislation to repeal or undermine the Parental Notice of Abortion Act (PNA), an essential safeguard for Illinois girls.

Currently, our state’s commonsense PNA law requires that if someone brings a minor girl for an abortion, one parent, guardian or other adult family member must be notified 48 hours before the abortion is performed. (Unlike other states, consent is not required.) Exceptions are made for girls in extenuating circumstances, such as in situations of abuse at home.

This law prevents situations such as what happened in Granite City before the IL Parental Notice law took effect. A trafficker who was prostituting minor girls at truck stops in surrounding states brought these exploited girls to Illinois for abortions, to conceal evidence of his crimes and to continue to exploit these girls for profit. This injustice is now prevented thanks to Illinois’ PNA.

But now, radical progressive Illinois lawmakers and special interest groups are determined to repeal or undermine this essential safeguard. Next week is their last chance for this legislative session. We must not allow this to happen! We must respectfully and thoughtfully make our voices heard!


1) Gather your friends and family, and come down to Springfield on Wednesday or Thursday next week to hold signs outside the Capitol and be a presence! Parental Notice must be preserved to PROTECT ILLINOIS GIRLS. Repealing it will protect those who sexually abuse them!

When: Wednesday and Thursday (either day), October 27 & 28. Arrive around 10 am. Depart around 1:30 pm.

Where: Pick up signs at 108 E. Cook St., Springfield, IL. Park in the back, pick up signs and attend a briefing, and walk to the Capitol.

Questions? Call (217) 528-9200.

2) Take a moment right now to call your State Representative and State Senator in Springfield! Click HERE to find their office’s phone numbers and gives them a call!

3) The opposition plans to rush through their repeal in a few days next week because so many people oppose it. So we don’t yet have specific bill numbers. Click HERE for a FACT SHEET on the Parental Notice of Abortion Law.

4) If you haven’t sent a message to your state lawmakers yet, please do so now. We must take advantage of every opportunity to make sure that our legislators hear from us on this life-and-death policy. Click HERE to contact your state lawmakers to let them know that most Illinois parents oppose repealing the Parental Notice of Abortion Act.

5) PRAY! Pray frequently and fervently to Almighty God about this issue. Pray that hearts and minds are convicted of the truth. Pray that opposition to repealing the PNA would grow. Pray that abortion activists fail to get the 60 votes they need in the Illinois House and the 30 votes they need in the Illinois Senate to pass their repeal proposal. 

Thank you for doing your part to protect Illinois girls and parental rights!

With gratitude,

Illinois Family Institute, in cooperation with other pro-life groups

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