$2 for $1 Matching Challenge!
$2 for $1 Matching Challenge!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

We Are Tripling Down!

Not only do we have a group of great donors offering a year-end $2 for $1 matching challenge, but also Dr. Erwin Lutzer has offered an additional incentive for those who give $50 or more in the last two weeks of the year. His new book “We Will Not Be Silenced: Responding Courageously to Our Culture’s Assault on Christianity” was released last month and, like his other books, will be sure to bless you,  your friends, and family.

In the introduction, theologian Dr. David Jeremiah describes the timeliness of Dr. Lutzer’s book:

This book examines every cultural issue we are facing. Nothing is left out. It addresses diversity issues, racial issues, gender issues, social justice issues, media issues, issues of free speech, and issues rooted in socialism and Marxism. Most importantly, it covers issues related to the church and how it is responding to all of this.

NOTE: Every donation to IFI through the end of the year is TRIPLED upon receipt. Please prayerfully consider how you can support the work and ministry of IFI as we boldly stand for truth in the public square.

So if you give $50 it becomes $150.

If you give $100 it becomes $300.

If you give $500 we realize $1,500!

If you donate $1,000, it is the same as giving $3,000, etc.

P.S. Donations must be postmarked by December 31st in order to qualify as 2020 gifts.

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