Good News for Life in Chicago
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   05.22.24
Earlier today, the Chicago City Council heard a proposal to institute a "quiet zone" around a particular abortion facility in the city to muzzle pro-lifers reaching out to abortion-bound mothers. Thankfully, this controversial proposal was deferred.
Bills That Need Your Attention!
By Kathy Valente   |   05.20.24
This is the last week of session. They are scheduled to adjourn on Friday, May 24th. There are two new bills that just came to our attention. Please take the appropriate action.
Speak Out Chicago! (While You Can)
By David E. Smith   |   05.20.24
This week, the Chicago City Council is expected to debate and vote on an ordinance that would ban the use of megaphones, bullhorns or other amplified sound outside a downtown abortion mill.
Protecting the Unborn Overseas
By Ecce Verum   |   05.18.24
Once Dobbs came down, abortion became much more of a state debate than ever before. But there are still battles to be won in the nation's highest legislature. While Congress may be far from passing a national measure to completely protect the unborn, the pro-life movement still has warriors in D.C. who are pushing for justice in incremental steps.
Secularization: a Fertility Killer
By David E. Smith   |   05.17.24
The changes in our cultural worldview over the past several decades have been profound. It isn’t hard to see how thoughts and attitudes in our nation have become decidedly more secular and far less biblical.
Only God Should Play God, Part 3
By Ecce Verum   |   05.14.24
In our last piece, we continued our series on the troubling moral consequences of various forms of artificial reproduction technology. From the death of hordes of innocent human embryos to the violation of the sacred marriage commitment, the picture doesn't look pretty when man tries to play God. But we're not done yet. Let's look at a couple more implications of this vicious technological trend.
Please Take Action on These Bills
By Kathy Valente   |   05.13.24
This week there will be lots of  rigorous floor debating, long speeches, and many specific questions. Please email your elected officials on these bills.
IFI Special Forum on Physician Assisted Suicide
By David E. Smith   |   05.10.24
Every human being is created by Almighty God in His image and has inherent dignity or worth. Terminal illnesses and suffering does not diminish this fact.
A Brave Way to Nurture Learning
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   05.08.24
Frederick Douglass once said, “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” Reading is vitally important to a child’s imagination and education. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) notes, "At all three grades, students who more frequently read for fun on their own time had higher average proficiencies."
Praying Against Principalities and Spiritual Forces of Wickedness
By David E. Smith   |   05.07.24
Last month, Planned Parenthood released its annual report for 2022-2023, showing the pro-abortion group received close to $700 million in taxpayer funding. There is no mistake about it, abortion is the primary focus of Planned Parenthood business.
The Pro-Life Intramural, Part 2
By Ecce Verum   |   05.03.24
Last time, we discussed the two sides of the intramural pro-life debate: abolitionists and prudentialists. And we observed that each side has a valid perspective based on a very true aspect of the issue. But shall the twain ever meet?
“Never Misunderestimate.”
I trust you’ll recall the source of this verbal gaffe. It came from our esteemed former president, George W. Bush. It was his attempt to define when someone undervalues or underestimates something. It was a malaprop we all understood. 
Accomplices to Exploitation
By Thomas Hampson   |   05.02.24
Stories of children reported to be victims of sexual exploitation are so familiar these days that they have become little more than background noise in the daily news feed. Even our legislators don’t give this exploitation a second thought. At least, that’s the impression I get from a review of HB 5239.
Only God Should Play God, Part 2
By Ecce Verum   |   05.01.24
Last time, we discussed several moral issues that arise when man decides to "play God" in the area of human reproduction. In vitro fertilization always takes innocent life. Embryonic genetic editing tends towards the sad assumption that the mother is the only patient involved, because the embryo is not considered a patient. And efforts to alter a baby's genetics don't have an easy line between "health-related concerns" and flat-out "child enhancement."
Only God Should Play God, Part 1
By Ecce Verum   |   04.27.24
The pro-life movement is solidly consolidated in its stance on abortion. And this is for good reason, given how heinous and grievous of a crime abortion is. However, abortion is not the only contemporary issue fundamentally affecting nascent life. One issue on which pro-lifers arguably have less of a consensus involves the medical practices for various forms of artificial reproductive technology.
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