Self Evident: October 7th Through The Eyes of A Survivor
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   11.26.24
"Israelis are used to rockets... it's normal for them. But this [October 7] was a whole new level." In this crucial conversation with Maia Poet, an Israeli/American citizen, Maia shares the Israeli side of the Gaza war and her personal experience living through the October 7 attack. Maia will also delve into some of the history of the Middle East along with the culture of Gaza.
Self Evident: Missing the Truth with Anni Cyrus
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   11.21.24
In part 1 of Self Evident's interview with Anni Cyrus, Anni recounted her firsthand experiences of living under Sharia Law in Iran, how she escaped, and how she eventually came to know Christ. This episode features Anni's work in her ministry, Live Up To Freedom. Anni will also address the pro-Palestinian attitude across American universities and key information that is left out when teaching about Islam.
Self Evident: What Is Happening In The Middle East?
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   11.05.24
What exactly is happening in the Middle East? Maia Poet is a former Israeli civilian and, in this episode, Maia delves into the horrific realities of what happened on October 7th.
Self Evident: Fleeing Sharia and Finding Christ with Anni Cyrus
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   10.29.24
Anni Cyrus was born in 1983 in Iran– after the the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Because of this, she grew up in the Islamic Republic of Iran in a strict Islamic family with a father who was a strong, Islamic authority figure.  Anni's one experience outside of the strictness of her family upbringing was her grandmother, who grew up in the free side of Iran before the Islamic Revolution.
Imam Teaches Children in Chicago to Martyr Themselves
Chicago Imam tells children that their number one goal should be to die as a Muslim and go to paradise.
College Brats Indeed
By David E. Smith   |   05.03.24
I chuckled as I read the subject line of a news release sent out by Bill Donohue of the Catholic League yesterday: "Meet Our Bratty Revolutionaries." That sentiment has certainly crossed my mind a few times recently. Our culture is soft, spoiled, and easily misled by deceitful agents of change -- be they “news” anchors or college professors.
Now is OUR Time to Denounce Antisemitism
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   04.27.24
As followers of Jesus we are often grieved over the compromise and cowardice of previous generations of Christians.

With righteous indignation, we say, “Had I lived in the days of slavery or segregation, I would have taken a stand. I would have spoken up!”
The History of Islamic (Nazi) Jihad
By David E. Smith   |   04.26.24
The anti-Israel demonstrations and riots taking place across the nation are shocking. Who would have thought that so many Americans would turn their backs on Israel? The open hostility being expressed – and the tactics being used – by many in these crowds is appalling.

One thing is for certain, this antisemitism didn’t develop overnight in our culture.
Pro-Hamas Chants for Death to America
By David E. Smith   |   04.19.24
On April 5th, anti-Israeli activists organized for the "International Al-Quds Day" (Jerusalem Day)-  an international day to protest the existence of Israel and the Palestinian people struggle against the Jewish people. During this annual observance, large rallies were held, usually beginning after Friday Islamic prayers.
Testing For Truth
I often wonder why I torture myself. Each weekday afternoon, I try to stay somewhat literate in what is happening in our world by watching the evening network news. Most every day, I regret it. 
The Latest Despicable Anti-Israel Lie
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   03.05.24
According to a quote widely attributed to Winston Churchill, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” This is absolutely true when it comes to reporting about Israel, except even more so.
Israel and Hamas: No Middle Ground. Christians, Where Do You Stand?
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   03.02.24
America is divided, but you already knew that.  There is no place for coming together in many of its disagreements.  The differences are polar opposites, and neither side is willing to yield ground.  This presents a very serious, if not existential, threat to the nation.  Abraham Lincoln, quoting Jesus Christ noted that, “A nation divided against itself cannot stand.”
Inter-Faith: The Subtle Work of the Devil
By Rev. Calvin Lindstrom   |   02.10.24
The first two commandments God gave Israel are theologically very significant. Yahweh alone, the Triune God, was to be recognized and worshipped by Israel. And the only true God was not to be captured by human imagination and expressed through man’s ingenuity and creativity. All idols or images of the true God and all false gods were and are totally abhorrent.
Why I Am Glad to See Campus Antisemitism Revealed
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   12.18.23
The recent revelation of just how deeply antisemitism is embedded in some of our nation’s leading universities is certainly quite disturbing. But it is not in the least surprising. That’s why I, for one, am glad to see all this coming to the surface.

It’s ugly. It’s insidious. It’s inexcusable. But, at last, it’s being exposed for the world to see.
Moral Clarity and Nuance Can Coexist: A Response to the ERLC’s Statement of Support for Israel
By Mae Arthur   |   12.14.23
Four days after Hamas’ brutal, barbaric attack on the nation of Israel, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention released an “Evangelical Statement in Support of Israel.”
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Dr Stephen Smart on pro suicide legislation. State Lawmakers are Considering The End-of-life Options Act. This Legislation Puts Your Life at Risk. Please Watch This Video and Call Your State Lawmakers. Tell Them to Vote no on the “End-of-life Options Act” For Lawmaker Names And Phone-numbers go to Officials Finder
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