BreakPoint Commentator Coming to Rolling Meadows – September 19
By David E. Smith   |   06.26.14
Do you listen to the radio commentary, BreakPoint? Have you read the New York Times best-seller biography, Bonhoeffer? Have you seen the movie, Amazing Grace? What connects all of those is Eric Metaxas – historian, author, radio host, and our...
Lost records By Nate Beeler...
Prayer Update for June 2014
By Kathy Valente   |   06.16.14
For the church to discover the incredible effects of united prayer once again, we must keep our eyes on the “Bigness” of Christ, instead of the world. We must focus on Jesus—not on our culture’s worsening condition—and see the glory...
Author of William Wilberforce Biography in Chicago Suburbs, September 19
We are pleased to announce that best-selling author and leading cultural commentator Eric Metaxas will be headlining our 2014 Faith, Family & Freedom Fall Banquet!  Author of the New York Times #1 bestsellers, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, and...
The Soldier’s Rough Charity
I have been used to calling the national holiday we celebrated yesterday”most of us as a Monday off, a good time for gardening or cookouts”“Oblivion Day,” when we Americans all forget the men (and now some women too) who have died in our wars, to establish our nation in freedom and to keep that nation free. When I was a child, it seemed that every little town expressed our pride in parades.
Easter Blessings
By David E. Smith   |   04.20.14
“The Lord is risen indeed…” Luke 24:34  Easter Sunday is the culmination of Holy Week.  We would do well to take time to reflect on who we are and where we stand in our faith.  Our patience and devotion has...
It’s Time To Pray
By Kathy Valente   |   04.16.14
Prayer is God’s solution to delay the decaying of our culture.  Many of you have already committed to praying and we believe many more of you will respond with a desire to devote time to pray for His cause of...
Community Leaders Call for the Citizenry to Vote
Faith and political leaders are urging voters to make their voices heard at the ballot box during this primary election in Illinois.
YouTube video
For more information about the IFI Voter Guide, please click HERE....
IFI Statement:  Counties Should Not Issue Same-Sex “Marriage” Licenses Yet
In response to the various county clerks that are now processing same-sex “marriage” licensees across Illinois (which Attorney General Lisa Madigan is encouraging) — well ahead of the June 1, 2014 date of effectiveness — IFI  issues this statement:  As...
The Clock is Ticking to Order Your Voter Guides…
By Kathy Valente   |   03.03.14
The Clock is Ticking to Order Your Voter Guides… With early voting starting today (through March 15th) don’t wait another minute to order your Voter Guides in bulk! Illinois’ primary election is just two weeks from tomorrow. If your schedule...
Voter Guides Are In — Order Them in Bulk Today!
By Kathy Valente   |   02.19.14
The print version of the IFI Voter Guide are in and going fast!  If you haven’t yet placed a bulk order, please give us a call at the IFI office today at (708) 781-9328 or click HERE to send us...
Bulletin Insert — No Excuse Not to Vote
By David E. Smith   |   02.17.14
Next month, during the primary election, citizens in Illinois will cast ballots to nominate candidates for a number of important government positions — positions that have dramatic authority on the direction of our nation.  Like usual, this year’s mid-term elections...
Voter Registration Deadline is Tuesday, Feb. 18
By David E. Smith   |   02.03.14
Deadline to register to vote is just two weeks away.   Tuesday, February 18th is the last day to register to vote for Illinois’ upcoming March 18 Primary Election. If you will turn 18 by the November 4th election, you can...
Order Bulk Voter Guides Now
By David E. Smith   |   01.27.14
We are currently taking orders for our 2014 Primary Election Voter Guide. The non-partisan IFI Voter Guide helps voters know more about the positions of candidates who are seeking your vote on March 18, 2014. Release date for the Voter...
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Hold a Voter Registration Drive!!
By David E. Smith   |   01.08.14
Registering to vote is the first step in engaging in civic life and becoming a good steward of your God-given responsibility of self-government. Any Illinois citizen who will be eighteen by Election Day is eligible to register. The process for registering is easy and convenient, but, sadly, millions of Americans choose not to take the time. Estimates count that from 35 percent to 50 percent of Americans are not registered to vote.
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