Let the Earth Rejoice
By Jonathan Lewis   |   11.05.20
Regardless of the outcome of our national election for POTUS, there are going to be some Americans who are elated, some who are in despair, and some who are just glad it’s all over. Likewise, there will be some who believe America is on the right track, some who believe we’re headed straight toward ruin, and some who will say “let’s wait and see.”
God’s Word, Politics, and Discernment
Present-day political races are not about being a Democrat or a Republican.  It’s not about left or right.  It’s not about conservative or liberal.  And it’s not about being racist or not racist. 

It’s about good or evil.  It’s about what is right or what is wrong.  It’s about what lines up most closely to the Word of God or what in greatest measure goes against the Word of God.
“How Then Shall We Live?”
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   10.29.20
For those skeptical about what Christians have been saying would happen if the nation continued mocking God and Christianity, are you still doubting? Do I have to point out the horrific violence and hatred spewing forth from across the cultural...
The Public Square: A Biblical View
By David E. Smith   |   10.28.20
It’s undeniable. History shows a definite pattern of positive Christian influence on secular governments. The influence of Christians, both individuals and groups, has led to the abolition of slavery, polygamy, human sacrifice, and infanticide, as exemplified by the prohibition of abortion in the Roman Empire. Christian influence has led to a greater valuation of human rights, freedom of religion, and the concept of equality before the law. Even the acceptance of the right of an individual to own property is indebted to Christian influence.
Extra Chromosomes Add Extra Radiance
October is Down Syndrome awareness month. I know there are a lot of things to be aware of, especially in our hyper-connected society, but for me and my family, awareness of Down Syndrome is unavoidable. Almost a year ago, my youngest brother was born. His name is Owen, and he has Down Syndrome.
50 Years Ago, Solzhenitsyn Received the Nobel Prize for Reminding Us of a ‘Forgotten God’
“In 1949, some friends and I came upon a noteworthy news item in Nature, a magazine of the Academy of Sciences.” So opens Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s majestic The Gulag Archipelago, a seemingly odd start for a classic on the Soviet gulag, the nation’s forced labor camps. Readers initially wonder where the author is headed with a sort of ho-hum report from not a political journal but a science journal.
Graham Calls for Prayer and Fasting this Sunday, Oct. 25th
By Christine Misner   |   10.21.20
Nearly a month after calling Christians to the nation’s capital for a prayer march, Franklin Graham is calling on them again, this time to join him for a day of prayer and fasting. The IFI board of directors and staff will heed this call, and we intentionally fast and pray for our state and nation this Sunday.
The Faith of a Pharisee
By Jonathan Lewis   |   10.17.20
The Pharisees were a self-righteous lot, so wrapped up in their legalistic, self-satisfied ways that they missed what God was doing right in front of them.

Even so, we have one instance recorded in Scripture when they actually got something right. Well, perhaps not “right” because their motives were all wrong (they were Pharisees, after all!), but still, I think we can learn something from them.
Now Is the Time To Act
By David E. Smith   |   10.15.20
In the book of Esther, we see God raising up a woman by the name of Esther to be queen.  At this time, one of the King’s officials, Haman, was planning to bring a genocide to the Jewish people, unknowingly...
Special Presentation: “Truth, Statues and Imperfect People’”
In this special presentation, Tim Barton, President and COO of WallBuilders, contrasts how Truth and freedom stand in righteous contrast to the false and sensationalized narratives put forth by mainstream media, the Black Lives Matter organization, and a burgeoning cancel...
Forgetting the Command to Not Be Conformed to the World
By Micah Clark   |   10.08.20
Think about how Satan can desensitize people and compromise values through humor, whether it be TV sitcoms or shows that are funny, but advance lifestyles or agendas that conflict with a Christian worldview. If you recognize this, then you probably understand what The Babylon Bee does so well by making people think, through humor and satire.
What Is True About God Right Now?
By Jonathan Lewis   |   10.01.20
We’re living in turbulent times. Between the ongoing pandemic, upcoming election, racial tension, wildfires, and more, we have plenty to challenge and concern us. On top of the issues that have consumed our national attention, we also may have personal...
Hey You with the Spooky White Skin, You’re a Racist!
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.29.20
In June 2020, Kennedy Mitchum, a 22-year-old graduate of Drake University, needed a way to call non-racists “racists,” so she emailed Merriam-Webster Dictionary to tell them to change the definition of "racism" in such a way as to enable people to use the Merriam-Webster Dictionary to call non-racists “racists.” 
Encouragement in Prayer
Every Christian is called to pray. It is not an optional duty. We are to pray without giving up in prayer. It is part of spiritual warfare.

During these tumultuous times, it is vitally important to humble ourselves, seek God's abundant mercies, and ask Him to supersede in the affairs of our state and nation.
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