Now What? Thoughts On The 2022 Midterm Elections
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   11.16.22
If you are like me, there are three primary thoughts running through your mind following this election: “What happened to the red wave?”  “How can so many people be so fooled by the party of death?” and “What is God doing?”
Dr. Carl Trueman: When Should a Christian Fight and When Should They Leave?
By David E. Smith   |   11.15.22
In this excerpt from IFI’s interview with professor, theologian, and author Dr. Carl Trueman, Pastor Derek Buikema asks what should determine whether Christians stay or leave a church (or denomination) that appears to be moving away from orthodoxy.
The Red Wave That Really Matters
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   11.11.22
For a number of reasons, I would have preferred to see the Republicans take back both the U.S. House and U.S. Senate in fairly decisive ways. This would have effectively thwarted the implementation of what I believe to be a very destructive leftist agenda. And I voted accordingly in my own state.
Dr. Carl Trueman: Why Has the Church Affirmed Sin Before the World?
By David E. Smith   |   11.10.22
In this excerpt from IFI’s interview with Professor Carl Trueman, author of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, Pastor Derek Buikema’s asks why, “in some places mainline Christianity” has come to affirm sin. Dr. Trueman identifies two factors as integral to this apostasy: freedom of religion and the church’s “vocabulary of love.”
Is It a Sin Not to Vote?
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   11.07.22
Founding father Samuel Adams once said, “Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote…that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”
Prayers for Election Day
By David E. Smith   |   11.05.22
We know you have likely been reminded multiple times over the past several weeks of the importance of this election and your participation in our government "of the people, by the people and for the people." Thank you for your patience with these repetitive messages! Soon, the opportunity to vote in this election will be over. The messaging will stop. The decisions will have been made.
Bold Christianity
By Kenna Rose   |   11.05.22
When freedom of religion doesn’t exist, you end up with horrible tyrannical governments and systems such as communism or socialism. Abolishing religious freedom is often done to stifle Christianity, because Christians (and the truth of the gospel) are a hindrance to evil tyrants, power-hungry officials, and a populace desiring to live in its flesh.
The Gay Celibate Christian?
By Israel Wayne   |   10.27.22
Looking over a list of Christian conferences coming up in 2023 I ran across one that states it is for: “LGBTQ+ Christians who have committed to celibacy as a personal call in their spiritual journeys.”
IFI Prayer Team: Election Season Call to Prayer
All believers are called to pray at all times and in all situations.

We are to pray without ceasing.

Jesus taught us to pray for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth just as it is in Heaven.
Preparing Gen Z to be Lights in a Dark World
Pew Research recently released a report on an accelerating trend in the U.S. — adults who were raised in Christian homes and who formerly described themselves as Christian leaving the Christian faith and joining the growing number of religious “nones.” According to Pew, nearly a third of those raised Christian describe themselves as “nothing in particular” as adults. This trend is expected to continue in the next few decades.
Rocks Don’t Lie: The Faults With Evolutionary Theory
By   |   10.20.22
Dr. Tim Clarey of the Institute For Creation Research (ICR) holds a PhD in Geology from Western Michigan University, and two Master degrees pertaining to Geology and Hydroscience. Additionally, he worked as an Exploration Geologist for Chevron and Full Professor and Geosciences Chairman for Delta College.
The Church’s Silence is Hurting Young People
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   10.15.22
For the last 40 years, with rare exception, I have been teaching in (and leading) ministry schools on a weekly basis, having the joy and privilege of pouring into the next generation of leaders... This week, after speaking about the church and LGBTQ+ issues and people, one of the deans made a striking comment to me: “The church’s silence has hurt these people.”
Scripture on Abortion Billboards?
By Ecce Verum   |   10.12.22
Now that the Dobbs decision has shifted the abortion debate to the state-by-state battle, both the pro-life and pro-choice movements have galvanized for this new arena. Pro-life states moved quickly to pass state-level abortion bans (at least thirteen states have done so already), while pro-abortion forces have endeavored to solidify or even expand abortion access in their states.
People Pleasing Preachers
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   10.08.22
The Scriptures are blunt in their warning that in the “Last Days” perilous times will come and one characteristic of those days will be weak and heretical preaching.  Paul wrote that people will not be willing to listen to the Truth, so they will gather to themselves teachers who will “tickle their ears.”  It appears that there is nothing more offensive to Americans today than to tell someone they are wrong, and that is precisely the kind of thing biblical preaching does!  “Respectable preaching,” on the other hand, makes people feel good about themselves.
Waking Up the “Woke” Church
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   10.06.22
One of the most astonishing and disturbing trends in evangelicalism over the last few years is the significant number of leaders and organizations that have succumbed to the pressure of the “Woke” mob to join them in their attacks upon the so-called “White” culture and traditional Christianity. 
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