A Conversation With Dr. Allan C. Carlson
By David E. Smith   |   12.26.20
In his interview with Derek Buikema of Orland Park Christian Reformed Church, Dr. Allan Carlson discusses the current political climate as it relates to American Christianity and the family. Certain policies, for example, though promoted by the Republican party, are detrimental to the family.
A Conversation with Rod Dreher [Full Interview]
By David E. Smith   |   12.26.20
Previously we have featured a series of video excerpts, but, as promised, we are now pleased to present the entirety of Pastor Derek Buikema’s recent interview with Rod Dreher, senior editor at the American Conservative and author of The Benedict...
Rev. Graham: Hope for Illinois
By David E. Smith   |   12.22.20
Our world has changed dramatically this year, but foundational truths – the supremacy and authority of Almighty God, the sufficiency of the atoning sacrifice of His Son, and the sanctity of all human life – remains unchanged. The inspiring message...
Leftists See Orwell’s Novel 1984 As a Blueprint for Progress
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.21.20
One of the many remarkable aspects of this time in America is that all the forces of oppression about which George Orwell warned in his novel 1984 are present and growing, and many of the oppressors can’t see it. Ironically, many of the oppressors view themselves as paragons of virtue when, in reality, they’re paragons of virtue-signaling, which constitutes a performative cloak of invisibility that conceals totalitarianism.
Am I Satisfied with My Example?
By Jonathan Lewis   |   12.18.20
When the Israelites finally came to the end of their desert wanderings following their exodus from Egypt, they faced the task of dividing the Promised Land among the various tribes. This division, as we read in Joshua 19, was according...
Year-End Call to Prayer
By Kathy Valente   |   12.17.20
As this year draws to a close, please join the staff of IFI as we cry out to our Heavenly Father for His forgiveness and mercy toward our country. Our nation has never before been so divided. Hostility, violence, and...
With Kinks Every 6 Feet: What Romans 13 Means In America
What many pastors and Christians are twisting Romans 13 and 1 Pet. 2 to mean is laughable, I mean, literally. That’s what God does with kings and nations that use their power to plot against God and His anointed (and that includes His people and their freedom). God laughs (Ps. 2:4). So Christians should laugh too.
Drop Out of Diversity Re-education Struggle Sessions While You Can
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.14.20
Since diversity re-education is all the rage these days (and if Harris and her shadowy, confused puppet win the election will only get worse), I thought it might be helpful to publish the letter I emailed to Deerfield High School’s principal in about 2007 when I dropped out of an ongoing divisive diversity workshop due to the intolerance, close-mindedness, bigotry, and dishonesty of my un-collegial colleagues.  
May God Have Mercy Upon Us and Our Troubled Country
By Robert Knight   |   12.07.20
With our nation on a razor’s edge, the days are getting shorter — and darker.

In fact, the winter solstice is coming in a couple of weeks on Dec. 21, marking the shortest day on the calendar and thus the darkest time of the year.
Pastor Doug Wilson: “Stop Groveling: Fight Like Hobbits”
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.27.20
Too many Christians falsely believe that the Bible teaches that we should always and in every context speak “nicely,” and by “nicely” they mean in ways that listeners don’t find objectionable. Too many Christians falsely believe that they are prohibited from being angry; or from using sarcasm, satire, or other strong language; or that they are prohibited from saying anything that offends people. Thankfully, we have Pastor Douglas Wilson to offer the church a much-needed corrective.
Giving Thanks in Everything!
By David E. Smith   |   11.26.20
Most Christians understand that we are to be a grateful people. This is attitude is especially easy to have on beautiful sunny days, when liberty abounds and the elections go our way, when we hit our stride at work, or when we are in good physical health. But even in times of challenge, sorrow and in the midst of trials, the Apostle Paul tells "be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be make known to God."
In the Name of God, Amen
By Jonathan Lewis   |   11.26.20
November 11th marked the 400th anniversary of the signing of the Mayflower Compact. In the words of History.com, the Mayflower Compact was “the first document to establish self-government in the New World.” Do you think the Pilgrims knew how significant...
Ten Things That Are True About God Today
By Jonathan Lewis   |   11.21.20
I recently wrote about the value of asking ourselves during challenging times the question “What is true about God right now?” With all that’s going on in our nation these days, perhaps now would be a good time to reflect...
Lessons From the Church Under Caesar
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   11.14.20
We have been blessed with many liberties here in America, many of them unknown throughout human history. And we should diligently guard those liberties... At the same time, as followers of Jesus, it’s easy for us to lose our perspective because of those very liberties and freedoms...
God, the Elections, and 4-D Chess
As a boy, I remember “watching” the epic chess battle between Boris Spassky and Bobby Fischer. It was aired on channel 13, the PBS station in New York, and a bell would ring, announcing the latest move. This, in turn,...
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