Sanctity of Human Life Sunday: Being A Deliberate Pro-Life Advocate
By David E. Smith   |   01.20.23
In the wake of SCOTUS decision to strike down Roe v. Wade and the so-called "right" to abortion, we praise God for how dozens of states in the nation have moved to ban or greatly restrict this heinous practice. In blue states like Illinois however, those who love death are busy establishing new death chambers, expanding to strategic new locations and inviting people over the state line to destroy innocent human life. As we once again recognize Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (January 22, 2023), Christ followers must respond intentionally, bringing both salt and light to this desperate situation.
Thomas More Society Attorneys Drop Bombshell Evidence in Biden DOJ’s Persecution of Pro-Life Dad
Lawyers for Mark Houck, a pro-life father of seven being prosecuted by the Biden administration, dropped bombshell evidence in defense of the pro-life advocate at a January 17, 2023, pretrial hearing in Philadelphia. Thomas More Society attorneys produced new evidence – never before considered by a federal court – that when the United States Congress passed the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, it expressly intended to exclude so-called “escorts” operating outside of abortion facilities from being encompassed by the FACE Act.
Call-to-Prayer: 103rd Illinois General Assembly Begins
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   01.15.23
The famous quote often misattributed to Albert Einstein defines insanity as “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Living as Christians in the rebellious state of Illinois often feels like we are surrounded by insanity.
Winter’s Bitter Bite
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   01.07.23
I am hearing that December was Chicago’s coldest month in about forty years. It was bitter! But it is not just this winter I feel is cold, it is winter in general. Having spent several years in Alaska as a boy, cold did not affect me much until recently, as my age caught up with me. Lately, I have been looking at winter a little differently, and realized that it is like an annual message from God.
A Conversation With Dr. Carl Trueman
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   01.01.23
IFI was honored to secure an interview with theologian, pastor, and author Dr. Carl Trueman earlier this year. In this interview with moderator Pastor Derek Buikema of Orland Park Christian Reformed Church, Dr. Trueman is asked a pressing question– “How did we get here?” Dr. Trueman tracks the intellectual genealogy of how the culture has come to the current position that it finds itself in. 
Discouraging Evangelism by Slandering Christian Nationalism
By Oliver Perry   |   12.26.22
Christians who care about America’s future will seek to increase our individual devotion to God, as well as our collective obedience to Bible teachings. But now an alarm is raised, claiming that Christians who believe this, and who act on it, are actually dire threats to society.
“The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!”
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   12.24.22
Next to Jesus Christ and “love,” Christmas is probably the most popular theme for music.  For most Americans, Christmas has been, as the song says, “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!”  But why is this so?
While We Were STILL Enemies, Jesus Died for Us
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   12.23.22
If you are a follower of Jesus today, what kind of person were you before you knew the Lord? Perhaps you were raised in the faith and, as far back as you can remember, you always loved the Lord. 

But others, like me, can sing, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me” – with an emphasis on that word wretch.
Paradise Lost and the Message of Christmas
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   12.17.22
We all hunger for paradise. We had it once and it was good!  In fact, based upon the words of the best Judge of such things it was “very good!” (Genesis 1:31). And, considering who He is, that might be an understatement! I can imagine, (and I would have to imagine it for the Scriptures are silent about such things), Adam and Eve enjoying a brilliant and beautiful sunset sipping on a newly discovered beverage we now call coffee or wading into a crystal-clear stream of perfectly tempered water having no fear of drowning. No mosquitoes, no flies, no sunburn to worry about.
State of Theology
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   12.12.22
Concerned Christians who are troubled by the revolutions that we are seeing in law and in our culture are right to investigate the source of why our nation is so rapidly changing. Evidence points to the failure of Christians maintaining a faithful witness to God’s truth and giving into the wicked pressures of our culture. Even more seriously, many professed Christians are extremely confused about the key doctrines of the Christian faith.
Thanksgiving: The Neglected Counter-Cultural Holiday
By Kenna Rose   |   11.25.22
Thanksgiving, especially in recent years, is a neglected holiday. Sandwiched  between Halloween and Christmas, and overshadowed by Black Friday, people know Thanksgiving is there, but many don’t put much thought into it until they have to start planning family, food and travel. In recent years, Halloween has become a more culturally celebrated holiday than Thanksgiving. There was even a fun little trend going around social media where you’d show a picture of yourself on Oct. 31 ready for Halloween, and then on Nov. 1 ready for Christmas with Thanksgiving not even an afterthought. There’s just not much societal excitement for Thanksgiving, which is interesting - but it makes sense. Thanksgiving doesn’t fit the ‘cultural narrative’ of self-focus that has been set up.
A Call to Gratitude
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   11.24.22
Most of us know enough colonial history to remember the “First Thanksgiving,” dated November 24, 1621.  Whether that was actually the first thanksgiving feast on American soil is uncertain, but the date is not as relevant as the fact that those early Pilgrims understood the need, in spite of a horrendous first year, to render thanks to God. Half of the Mayflower immigrants had died the winter following their arrival, and the remaining survived only by God’s grace and His provision of Native Americans like Squanto and the kind Wampanoag people who helped them immeasurably.
Dr. Carl Trueman: Transgenderism and Expressive Individualism
By David E. Smith   |   11.20.22
Pastor Derek Buikema asks professor, theologian, and author Dr. Carl Trueman to explain a bit about “expressive individualism,” the subject of Dr. Trueman’s important book The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution.
Dr. Carl Trueman: Transgenderism and Children
By David E. Smith   |   11.20.22
In another brief excerpt from IFI’s interview with Dr. Carl Trueman, author of two books that touch on “trans”-cultic beliefs including Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution, Pastor Derek Buikema asks about the responsibility of Christians in regard to the harm being done to children by “trans”-cultic beliefs.
Why We Engage in the Culture Wars
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   11.17.22
Have you ever wondered if the Church should continue to engage in the culture wars? After all, we will never eradicate evil from the world, and sometimes it feels like the water is pouring into our boats faster than we can bail it out.
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